Quote Header Info

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Quote Header Info

Header Info provides the following options:

  • Link – When you click the 'Open' link, the quote will open in another window/tab and you can get a direct link to this quote (by copying it from the address bar).

  • Description – Name of the quote (folder in the Overview window). If the quote is a revision, the previous quote is shown as a link. (If you want to click this link, make sure you save your changes first, otherwise you will lose them.) 

  • Effective Date / Expire Date – Shows from when to when the offer is valid. By default these dates are shown as it is configured at the Quoting General Settings in Administration. When copying a quote whose Effective/Expiry dates are in the past, the dates are reset to today. (If you need to modify the expiry date by a header logic, see this Knowledge Base article.)

  • External Reference – Optional free text field for entering an external reference (up to 255 characters).
  • Attachments – Allows you to add new attachments and manage the existing ones.
  • User Group (Edit) – Allows you to set which User Groups can edit the quote. For details see Entitlement Concept.
  • User Group (View Details) – Allows you to set which User Groups can view the quote. For details see Entitlement Concept.

'Name', 'Status', 'Workflow Status' and 'Creation Workflow Status/Label' are set by the system; they require no action.

If more users are editing the same quote at the same time, you are notified about it by the first button in the header (in the screenshot below shown as '0 Editors'). For more details see Notifications on Concurrent Editing.

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