Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Quote Mass Update

When you need to modify a large number of quotes, you can do it quickly and efficiently using the Mass Update feature.

This feature is useful when you want to:

  • Run the default quote calculation logic to update quotes with any new changes (e.g., new prices in updated Price Lists).
  • Automatically update quote inputs with a simple change or using a mass update logic.
  • Mass submit quotes. 

Quotes for mass update are selected by a user-defined generic filter. Quotes can only be updated if their document status is Draft or they are Approved.

Triggering a mass update will create a new background job, that allows for execution of a code that updates inputs, calls the currently valid pricing logic and allows for post-processing overridable outputs.

A Quote mass update job can be scheduled as a calculation flow.

Mass Update Edit Options

The table in the Quote Mass Update section lists all mass update jobs.

Actions for mass update jobs are available below the table:

  • Refresh the list of jobs.
  • Add a new job.
  • Edit the selected job.
  • Copy the selected job.
  • Delete the selected job.
  • Filter – Show / hide the advanced filter.
  • Download XLS – Downloads the whole table to Excel.
  • Summary – Displays the summary of the mass update, which is a list of all the line items and a comparison of their original and updated values and statuses. If the original quote's status is Deal, Offer or Lost, a new revision is created.

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