How to Mass Update Quotes with a Configurator
If you have in your implementation a header-level configurator with user inputs that you want to modify during a quote mass update, this section helps you configure a solution.
This is a sample logic that defines a configurator:
def ce = api.createConfiguratorEntry()
def annualRebate = ce.createParameter(InputType.INTEGERUSERENTRY, "AnnualRebate")
annualRebate.setLabel("Annual Rebate %")
if (annualRebate.getValue() == null) {
return ce
The quote header logic will look similar to this one:
def configuratorValue = getInputValue("configurator")
def customerId = getInputValue("Customer")
if (quoteProcessor.isPrePhase()) {
["name" : "configurator",
"label": "Header",
"url" : "QuoteHeaderConfigurator",
"value": configuratorValue]
api.logInfo("quote in prephase1", quoteProcessor.getHelper().getRoot().inputs)
def getInputValue(inputName) {
return quoteProcessor.getHelper().getRoot().getInputByName(inputName)?.value
Now you must create a header input mass update logic. This logic will generate an input parameter in the Set Parameters step of the Mass Update dialog. If you need to update the input with a static value, simply replace the "r" in the below code with the required value:
def r = api.integerUserEntry("annualRebate")
def c = api.currentItem('inputs').find { == "configurator" }
if (c != null && c.value != null) {
c.value["AnnualRebate"] = r
return c?.value
To be able to see the inner configurator's input on the mass update Summary page, add it to the Modified Inputs table in the following format: configuratorName___inputName (note that there must be three underscores).
See also: Configurators and Quote Mass Update.
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