Quote Actions

Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Quote Actions

To manage quotes, you can use actions available at the top of the Edit Quote area or below a quote list.

Actions Available While Editing a Quote

Depending on the quote status, some of the following actions are available at the top of the Edit Quote area:

All actions are described below, except for the first button '0 Editor(s)' which refers to Notifications on Concurrent Editing

Price Changed Items / Recalculate Changes

Updates information only for the changed items. Calculation will be updated and shown at the Calculation Results window. The price logic setup in Price Setting determines what specific result field and messages will be displayed. If input parameters are not specified, by accident or on purpose, then the result will have a warning message. Click the Note  icon to display the message.

This action also triggers validation of the header fields.

Price Full Quote / Recalculate

Updates the whole quote. Calculation will be updated and shown at the Calculation Results window. The price logic setup in Price Setting determines what specific result field and messages will be displayed. If input parameters are not specified, by accident or on purpose, then result will have a warning message. Click the Note  icon to display the message.

This action also triggers validation of the header fields.

Save Quote

Saves the edited quote. The 'Quote save' message will be shown in the Message window.

Submit Quote

Submits the quote for approval (there is no dialog to confirm the action).

A quote cannot be submitted if:

  • There is an error or a critical alert on any line.
  • A required field is not filled in. In such case, there is an additional warning icon on the line item signaling which item has missing required fields.
    However, if the missing required field is inside a popup configurator, you can still submit the Quote (as the logic to evaluate it is triggered only when you open the popup configurator).

Once the quote is within the approval process, it can no longer be edited. Changes are only possible if you click the View Workflow button, select the approver whose approval is pending and click the Withdraw  icon. The workflow status will change and the quote will be editable again.

There is a single approval process for the entire quote, i.e. there is no separate approval process at the product level.


Allows you to send an approved Quote to someone else to sign it. The Quote is exported and sent to the indicated user via an e-signature system.

Follow these steps:

  1. When the Quote is approved and its status is 'Offer' or 'Deal' open the detail view.
  2. Click the E-signature button.
  3. Select a template that will be used for generating the document. The default one is preselected.
  4. Select a user defined in the partition or type the recipient's email address and name.
  5. You can add a short message for the recipient that will be displayed in the notification email.
  6. Click OK – the document will be generated and sent to the e-signature system.
  7. You can check the Signature Status in the Quote's Header Info.
    To see more status details and the initial parameters, click the E-signature button again. You can even download the generated document from the dialog.
  8. The other signing party receives an email from the e-signature system asking them to review and sign the document. An email asking you to sign the document will be also sent to you. 
    The status changes to Delivered once all required persons have reviewed the document and to Completed when it is signed.

Note: This feature must be configured by administrator.

View Workflow

Opens the Workflow window where you can see a summary of all the approval steps. Here you can approve/deny a deal or add another approval/watcher step.

To learn more about approvals see Workflow Logics.

Start CW

Starts the document creation workflow, i.e. enables you to collaborate on the quote creation with other users.


Allows you to modify the Edit Quote area by these actions:

  • Add Column – Adds a new column to the area. To change the column order, use drag-and-drop.
  • Remove Empty Column – Deletes all empty columns (i.e. with no portlet).
  • Add Portlet – Adds an additional portlet to the area. The options are: BoMCompetition DataProduct TextPricesProduct ReferencesProductsChange RequestsPrice Records. New portlets are added at the top of the first column and you can move them to the required column by drag-and-drop.
  • Save Preferences – Saves the view you have created in the Edit Quote area as either private or global preference.
  • Remove Preferences – Removes the previously saved private or global preference.


Closes the Edit Quote area without saving the changes.

Actions Available in the Quotes List

The following actions are available in the list of quotes:

Download Quote to XLS, DOCX or PDF

To create outputs for sharing with customers, you can download the quote and quote details (in any workflow status) to XLS, DOCX or PDF.

  1. Select a quote.
  2. Click one of the options:
    • Download XLS  icon to export data to Excel.
      Excel template can be predefined in Administration in Publishing Templates. It can provide the quote with a predefined structure and format for viewing the data. Without a template, the raw data is downloaded to MS Excel and can be reformatted there.
    • Download Word  icon to export data to the DOCX format.  
      The DOCX template can be predefined in the Administration in Publishing Templates
    • Download PDF  icon to export data to PDF (if PDF publishing is enabled). 
      The same template as for the XLS export is used. 

(tick) You can restrict the export functionality to only specified user groups.

Field Names as Column Headers

When you download a quote to Excel, the Data tab contains the Field Names which are based on Labels. Labels can change due to translations and then the related Excel template fails. To avoid this scenario, it is possible to force the system to use result names (not Labels) as column headers. To set it, set the Advanced Configuration option "useResultNamesInExcelExport" to true.

Convert Offered Quote to Deal

You can convert an approved quote into a deal or agreement/promotion.

  1. Select the approved quote.
    Only completely approved quotes (Workflow Status 'Approved') can be converted into price records.
    Expired quotes can also be converted to a deal – but only if you enable this behavior in Configuration

  2. Click the Convert offered Quote to Deal  icon at the bottom to generate the price records.

The generated price records can be sent to other systems, e.g. order management systems.

The converting can also be done automatically:

This action is also available from within an approved quote.

Reconvert Deal

Even when an approved quote was already converted to a deal, it is possible to repeat this action. It will trigger re-generating the price records. This can be useful in case the price records were incorrect or incomplete. 

Revoke Quote

You can revoke an approved quote, i.e. make it invalid. 

  1. Select an approved quote.
  2. Click the Revoke Deal  icon at the bottom.

Mark Offer as Lost

An offer can either be converted to a deal or marked as lost. This helps you track the win/loss ratio.

  1. Select an approved quote.
  2. Click the Mark offer as lost  icon at the bottom.

Create Quote Revision

By creating a revision, you create a newer version of a quote. At the start, the revision has exactly the same data as the original quote (but attachments or messages are not carried over). The revision is linked to the original quote and replaces it in terms of validity. The purpose of a revision is to allow you to make changes while keeping the relation to the original object. This allows ERP systems to distinguish between an updated quote or a brand new one. (In comparison, a copy of a quote also has the same data at the start but it is an independent object and does not keep the link to its parent quote.)

To create a new revision of a quote:

  1. Select an approved quote (in status Offer or Deal).
  2. Click the Create new revision  icon at the bottom. The complete quote is copied and gets an updated name (ID) e.g. P-1093-v2.1. The version number becomes a suffix of the original name (e.g. P-1093) with the version number (e.g. v2.1). In the column "Name w/o revision" the link to the original name (ID) is shown.
    By default the new revision is recalculated immediately. If needed, this can be re-configured per type (Q / RBA / CT) by setting an advanced configuration property "skipRevisionRecalc_Q" (Q for quotes; others respectively) to the value "true".

Multiple versions of the original quote can be created (e.g. P-1093-v2.2 and P-1093-v2.3) and edited.

If one of the revisions gets 'Workflow status' - 'Approved', the original quote gets 'Workflow status' - 'Superseded' and the other versions are marked as 'Invalidated'. Approved versions can again be versioned (e.g. P-1093-v2.2.1).

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