Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Price Records

Price Records represent prices or other conditions negotiated with a customer. They are created automatically after a Quote/Agreement/Promotion is approved by the customer and changes to a deal.

The Price Records section allows you to review and maintain generated price records.

Price records can be created in multiple ways:

  • Automatically
    • In Quoting – After you convert a quote to deal. There is one price record per one quote line item. 
      Attributes are paired by the logic element name (e.g. if the price record has the attribute "Test" and the quote line item logic has the output element "Test", the calculated value of the "Test" logic element will be copied from the quote line item results to the Price Record attribute "Test" if it exists). The input field values are also copied but only if you create an output element of the same name as the target Price Record attribute. (The mapping is between output data and Price Records attributes; there is no connection from input to the element name.)
      The SKU value is copied automatically to the SKU field of the price record (and if there is a customer, it is copied too).

    • In Agreements & Promotions – Once an Agreement/Promotion is approved, one price record is created per each Agreement/Promotion line item.
      In Agreements/Promotions, the lines are defined by product and customer groups (not necessarily single SKUs), so the product group and customer group values are copied from the line to the price record and the SKU/customerId fields are left empty. But if an Agreement/Promotion affects only a single SKU (per product group definition), the SKU field is copied over to the price record too (accordingly for customer group and customer).
  • Manually in the Price Record editor. 

If troubleshooting, see the Knowledge Base article What to do if Price Records are not showing?

(warning) If there is a value longer than 255 characters inserted to a Price Record column from the Quote or Agreement/Promotion, the conversion fails and you get an error.

You have the following options to work with price records:

  • Add manually a new price record. Enter a 'Source ID', 'Line ID' and 'Valid After' date.
  • Copy the existing price record.
  • Delete selected price records.
  • Edit an individual field (by double clicking it). You can use the Mass Edit icon to edit more than one record. A new pop-up window will open. Select the 'Field', 'Operator' and 'Value' there and add the required changes. If you filter the data or select individual items before the mass editing, then only filtered/selected data will be changed. The number of changed items will be shown at the 'Edit' button in brackets.
  • Switch between simple and advanced filter (for details see Filter Records).
  • Download price records as an XLS file , DOCX file  or PDF file  (if PDF publishing is enabled). If you expect the size of the downloaded file to be large, use the 'Async download' option, which helps prevent the web browser timeout. If needed, you can restrict the export functionality to only specified user groups.

(tick) To modify/add the price records, you can also use the Excel Client.

Price Record fields:

  • Source ID (sourceId) – ID of the original object, i.e. either ID of Quote or Agreement/Promotion.
  • Source ID w/o revision (sourceIdNoRev) – If the original object is a revision of another one, then its ID also contains the revision number. This field does not show the revision number.
  • Line ID (lineId) – ID of the line which was a source of data for this price record line.
  • Created (createDate) – Date of creation of the price record.
  • Last Update (lastUpdateDate) – Date of the last update of this record. Can change when the Quote was revised.
  • Status (status) – Can be: Active, Revoked or Invalidated.
  • Label (label) – Copy of the label from the source line.
  • Customer Id (customerId) – ID of the customer for whom this line is valid (always taken from the input, which has input type CUSTOMER and name = "Customer").
  • Customer Group (customerGroup) – Groups of customers for which this record makes sense. Either this field or Customer Id should be specified – but not both. An exception is when the price record is generated from an Agreement/Promotionand the customer group specifies the customer exactly by id.
  • Part–Id (sku) – Product for which this record is meant.
  • Product Group (productGroup) – The price record is valid only for products from this product group. Either this field or the Part Id should be specified – but not both. An exception is when the price record is generated from an Agreement/Promotion and the product group specifies only one part by SKU.
  • Priority (priority) – Can be used to solve problems with overlapping price records – i.e. when you have 2 promotion conditions for the same customer and product at the same time.
  • Valid After (validAfter) – First date of the validity of this record.
  • Expiry Date (expiryDate) – Last date of validity of this record.
  • External Reference (externalRef) – This could be used, for example, to link the Quote to specific Order ID in SAP. So when the Sales Reps make a new Quote, they enter the Reference number and it is then passed via this field into the external system.
  • Attribute1...attribute30 – Can contain any data from the Quote or Agreement/Promotion which you want to use or send to external systems.
  • User Group (Edit) – Inherited from the parent Quote/Agreement/Promotion. Allows you to set which User Groups can edit the Price Record. For details see Entitlement Concept.
  • User Group (View Details) – Inherited from the parent Quote/Agreement/Promotion. Allows you to set which User Groups can view the Price Record. For details see Entitlement Concept.

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