Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.


Quote Calculation Results

The Calculation Results section summarizes the resulting values for the given quote based on the used calculation logic.

The calculation logic drives the following:

  • How the results are calculated.
  • What fields are displayed here ('Display Mode' for each element).
  • In what format the data is displayed (Percent, Money, Matrix etc.).
  • What output values can be overridden here (the element is marked with 'Allow Override' in the calculation logic). This is indicated by the Edit  icon on the line.
  • How the results are formatted, whether they are grouped, what suffix is used for output value, whether warnings are displayed or not, whether empty values are shown or not.
  • Whether output values are summarized by products.
  • Red/yellow warning dots next to the Label (defined in the Alerts section in the Calculation Logic editor).

This section is visible only after the quote is priced.

Note: If the resulting element is a matrix, you can easily download its content into Excel using the 'Download to XLS'  icon. For correct interpretation of numbers and dates in Excel, its locale must be set to English. There is a limit on the total number of styled cells (e.g., with a background color) when converting to Excel – after reaching this limit (64,000 cells), the remaining cells will not be formatted.

If you plan to include a chart in the Calculation Results, consider using a flex chart. Unlike ordinary charts, flex charts are saved in the quote as a calculation result and they include all the data they display. This means the data is static and the chart will not change if the background is altered.

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