Pricefx Classic UI is no longer supported. It has been replaced by Pricefx Unity UI.
Calculation Logics Overview
For Quotes (and also Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements) you can run calculation logics both at the header level and line item level. This section summarizes in which order the logics are executed and where they are defined.
If we have e.g. a quote with line items and select the action 'Price Full Quote', the following steps are performed:
- Header logic is executed.
- Line item logic is executed – once for each line.
- Header logic is executed again (in the 'isPostPhase' mode).
If you use the action 'Price Changed Items', the same sequence of steps is performed, only the line item logic is executed just for the changed lines.
Header logic is defined in Configuration in Quote / Agreement/Promotion / Rebate Agreement Header Logics. In these sections, there can be multiple logics; only the one selected as Default is used for the given document. This logic runs in the context of the whole Quote/Agreement/Promotion and uses all its data (including the line items).
Line item logic is defined in Configuration > Calculation Logic > Generic Logic. In this section there can be multiple logics; only the one selected as Default is used. This default logic is applied to:
- Quotes
- Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements – If no agreement/promotion or rebate logic is specified.
- Price Lists – if no logic is specified for the particular product and no default logic is selected in the Get Parameters step.
If there are product or object logics specified, some priority rules apply.
To see a full list of objects for which you can use logics, go to the Knowledge Base article Logic Types Cheatsheet.
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