PlatformManager 1.52.0


This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the PlatformManager release version.



Release date

Aug 30, 2022

In this document:

New Features and Improvements

Improvement Description


Improvement Description


When using templates for exporting Pricefx data to a CSV file, you can just select which fields and attributes to export (no need to type them) and you can also define the field names for the header.


Rollback notifications have been improved - they newly include template name, partition name and from where the process was triggered.


There is PlatformManager version displayed in the bottom left corner of the application. 


ELK search feature in logs has been improved. 1. Search does not start immediately after you enter something in the field, so that you have time to finish your query. 2. The entered strings are preserved when switching between screens. 3. The magnifier icon was removed as redundant. 4. The field resizes if the query is extra long.


To provide better guidance when viewing Data Upload history, there is a name of the selected Data Upload displayed in the breadcrumb navigation and also as a screen title. 


For Product Extensions and Customer Extensions, you create the corresponding table directly from PlatformManager during Data Upload, without having to log into the partition. 

PFIM-4261, PFIM-4262

On the Product Requests tab, items which are in Released or Rejected status for more than 90 days are not displayed in the table.


It is possible now to copy a Data Upload to multiple partitions.


When the last IM instance in a repository is deleted, an approval workflow is automatically triggered to decide if the repository should be archived or deleted too. The approver is defined in the Delete IM Instance Repository workflow.


When deploying an Integration Template, you can just select a filter for data from a dropdown list of existing filters (no need to enter the filter name manually).


In the Integration Overview, links to Git repository and logs are active only for users entitled to access Pricefx Git.


Once you submit a new IM instance, you are automatically assigned also the Integration - Git Manager permission which is useful for managing users in Git.


The NotificationRuleJob is triggered every 5 minutes and a notification is sent if the condition for the service type and name is met. The notification now contains also the log result statistics.


When deploying Integration Templates, it is possible to easily create a new SFTP connection without leaving the deployment process.


The Product Requests tab now shows the Fix Version column to inform users in which version the improvement was implemented.


When you go to the Upgrades section and there are no available slots for a selected day, there is a new info message how to proceed.


It is possible to view a mapper definition in the Instance Repository tab directly (without having to create a local copy).


You can view properties used in a route directly in the Instance Repository tab: open the Show Definition option from the route row menu and there is a new tab Properties.


Messages on previous unfinished deployment have been unified, so that they better suit the different scenarios (importing data, deploying export templates etc.).


The Save button in the Create Support User dialog (Overview > Partitions) is now disabled after it was clicked, so that unintentional double-clicking is prevented.


When deploying an Integration Template, it is possible to use a CSV file with no header.


When creating a new IM instance, the cloud provider Hetzner is no longer supported.


Non-standard routes and mappers are marked with an info icon, so that their status is immediately visible and it is clear why some actions are not available for them.


From now on, only provisioned IM instances are monitored if they are running or not. (Manual IM instances can be monitored and fully managed by their creators.)


The Cluster Upgrades Overview table now shows also the update version and all finished updates. There is a new icon indicating that an upgrade request cannot be edited if the upgrade time is close.


Data Upload history screen is now faster to load (thanks to a different underlying component). 


When deploying an Accelerator Package, it is possible to use a CSV file with no header.


It is possible to limit the number of IM instances per project - in the Constants section in Administration.


Failed deployment logs for Accelerator Packages now include also name of the entity which caused the error (e.g. logic which could not be deployed).


Users can now update conditions for selecting the partitions where Plasma Accelerators should be automatically deployed.


When using the condition step in steps.json for Integration Template, it is possible to get a value selected by the customer. Based on what the customer selected you can then e.g. apply different logics.


In the Instance Repository tab, the Show Definition option is available also for failed mappers, so that the user can see the code and troubleshoot it. 


Fixed Issues

Bug Description


Bug Description


The email notification on failed records within Data Upload to DMDS does not contain correct information.


Date filter in the Cluster Upgrades Overview does not work.


In Administration, when you want to remove user from a project and confirm the popup, the window looses its close icon (cross in top right corner) and you cannot close it.


When you deploy an Accelerator Package with invalid conditions, after data upload there is an error popup window with a broken title.


In Administration > Constants > Partition Upgrades, when you create a MINOR partition upgrade, change its Duration, save it and want to edit it again, the changes cannot be saved, there is an error.


When you want to create a new Connection under an IM instance that is not running, Types values are not available and there is no indication why.


If logic is complex enough and it is triggered by the trigger-logic step type inside a package, it timeouts in PlatformManager.


Sorting by version in Overview > Integrations is not numeric but alphabetical.


When you use the Create Local Copy action for an integration element that does not exist in the Workspace, you get an incorrect response 'Already exists'.


When creating a new IM instance, it is possible to select the same environment multiple times, there is no error returned.


When you start deployment on an IM instance which already has an unfinished deployment, there is a wrong label of the package in the Unfinished Deployment Found dialog.


In workflows, there is missing validation when the number of users to approve is higher than the number of selected users.


When deploying Sales Insights Accelerator with a custom date format (set in Data Mapping) there is an issue with the date (Pricing Date) conversion.


When you submit deployment of an already deployed object, the conflict is not returned in Changes in the Instance Repository dialog for Connections and Filters (due to an incorrect parameter).


For an AWS IM instance, there is inconsistent behavior during the conflict deployment of AWS objects route and mapper.


PlatformManager goes down when the user changes the Account during package deployment.


Production pm-sfx sometimes fails on java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.


When a route deployment fails, there is an incomplete error message 'Something went wrong' (instead of 'There is already deployed route with same 'from' section').


In Partition overview, the log history date range is saved in a session even when it was not explicitly changed/saved. This leads to keeping an old date range when the session lasts overnight.


Revision number is not correctly set and IM instance objects are not fetched.


Export CSV mapper does not fetch all fields of an LPG.


In Activity Log, there are missing records for an account which had its cluster upgraded.


The 'today' and 'tomorrow' filters do not work in Overview > Upgrades.


A new AWS IM Instance is not visible in the list of available instances after the deployment from Marketplace > Integration Templates.


When you work on an IM instance and try to assign Git permissions to yourself, you get an error.


There are missing valid account IDs for a particular route for user preferences.


Sorting by version in the Overview tables is not correct.


When you go to Account > Integrations > Filters > Workspace tab and enter /api/instances/3503/im-filters, you get an error.


General Fallback options are not fetched while deploying the Price Setting Package.


It is not possible to save a query in the Activity Log section (both under Account and Administration).


Partition error log is not displayed within the package deployment and in Templates Management > Failed Deployments.


In the Product Requests tab some internal tickets are displayed.


It is not possible to delete a partition when some Accelerators with different states are applied to it.



PlatformManager version 1.75.0