PlatformManager 1.56.0


This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the PlatformManager release version.



Release date

Dec 20, 2022

In this document:

New Features and Improvements

Improvement Description


Improvement Description


There is a new, more stable and reliable solution for built-in SFTP that comes with your integration instance. All new Integration instances (version 4.0 and higher) will be created with a new SFTP solution. Earlier versions need to go through a migration step where some manual adjustment to your integration is needed. 


The section Cluster Admin which was in Pricefx Classic was now transferred to PlatformManager. 


During Data Upload, when you create a new table for Customer/Product/Seller Extension you can also change its field types directly from PlatformManager.


In the Export Pricefx Table to CSV via FTP Integration Template, it is possible now to exclude the header row in the export and get a headerless CSV file as a result.


When sending an email notification on job/task/route status, the email subject uses just the name of the notification rule. (The word "triggered" which had been added by the application to the subject too has been dropped.)


When there is a Data Upload in progress, it is not possible to start a new one at the same partition. There is a message informing users about this.


The following has been added to improve the Import CSV from FTP to Pricefx Integration Template: timestamp to archive files, sortBy options in the file source URI, business keys maximum length support. 


The following improvements have been added to the Export Pricefx Table to CSV via FTP Integration Template: cron increased to 5 minutes, export interval between lastExportTimestamp and currentNewTimestamp, added sortBy to fetch, setHeader names with one second delay, entityName/entityID added to pfx-config:set?${headers.objectType}.


There is now more guidance in the UI (tooltips, screen info etc.) to help user create IM instances correctly.


In the IntegrationManager Versions section, there is a new field "Bound Infra Version" informing you which version of the infrastructure is bound to a particular IM version.


In Clusters overview, there are new fields displayed now: Account ID and Location.


When an IM instance in a repository is deleted/archived, there is no longer a workflow to do it. Instead, users are notified by an email that the Git repository was backed up, removed and is not accessible anymore.


Fixed Issues

Bug Description


Bug Description


When a PlatformManager user invites another user into PlatformManager, this information is not visible in the UI (in Administration > Users > Created by column). 


In Integration Settings, when you switch from the tab with properties in a table to a tab with no table, the cog wheel icon for table fields setup still stays displayed. 


The account list is not sychronized correctly between PlatformManager and Salesfx.


Production PlatformManager was down, due to parsing a large XLSX data file.


IM instance is marked as provisioned instance if autoregistration is used for manual IM instances.


The parent account is not sychronized correctly between PlatformManager and Salesfx.


When you have rights to only one Account, you cannot submit the "Create Product Request" form.


PlatformManager version 1.75.0