PlatformManager 1.46.0

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the PlatformManager release version.

Release dateJan 31, 2022

In this document:

New Features and Improvements

Improvement DescriptionID
When an IM instance is in the Requested state, it is already clickable (so that you can see e.g. its Log History tab and check for errors during instance startup).PFIM-3500
It is possible now to manage access to a Git repository (where the integration code is stored) directly from PlatformManager. This functionality is available only for AWS IM instances.PFIM-4285
There is now type validation in the optional fields form in the create-datasource step, so that the package deployment process is more robust and error-proof.PFIM-4295
Exceptions handling and error messages have been improved in case users do not have sufficient permissions to deploy a particular Accelerator.PFIM-4298
Deployment of routes and connections have been made more accessible: the option is available from the row menu in the routes/connections overview. When editing routes/connections, the Save button has been renamed to Save & Deploy.PFIM-4336
If there are failed routes, they are now listed in Account > Integrations > Routes – with the status 'Deployment failed'.PFIM-4339
All actions done with an IM instance are asynchronous and therefore, when you click e.g. Delete, the notification says 'Instance delete requested' (instead of 'Instance deleted'). The action then happens in the background within several minutes. PFIM-4340
When creating a new IM instance, the advanced sizing options CPU, Memory and Storage are only available to users with the Integration Instance - Admin permission. For non-admin users, sizing is taken from default values given by the imHttpClient method instanceDefaultOptions. This functionality is available only for AWS IM instances.PFIM-4356
After you start Accelerator/ Accelerator Package / Integration Template deployment, the Deploy button stays in a disabled state until the process is completed.PFIM-4410
In Overview, the Integrations table has now two new columns Partition Name and Cluster Nodes. These columns are set for Provisioned IMs if a connection exists for the instance. When there are more connections, Cluster Nodes is not set.PFIM-4422
To simplify permissions, the permission "Integration Instance - use" has been removed. Its only related activity, the Send Payload option, has been added to the "Integration Instance - edit" permission.PFIM-4442
After a user is deleted, the account is deactivated and the assigned permissions are saved, as well as the workflows in which the user was included. If the user is activated again, the permissions and workflows restored.PFIM-4446
The information on instance health displayed at two places in PlatformManager (Account > Integrations and Integration Overview > System Health) has been unified (details such as warnings on routes and missing log files, status etc.).PFIM-4480
Unchanged connections are no longer re-deployed when deploying a route.PFIM-4501
Pricefx Unity module names have been renamed in the 8.0 release and so these changes have been reflected in PlatformManager too. For details see
It is possible to approve/discard a merge request for transport between IM environments from the row menu of the Integrations table. This way you can do the action even if the notification for this is no longer visible/accessible in the list of notifications. This functionality is available only for AWS IM instances.PFIM-4558
As the Name column is always blank for manual IM instances, it has been hidden by default for both provisioned and manual IMs. You can still display it and save it as a preference.PFIM-4574
Two new columns have been added to Overview > Integrations and Account > Integrations: Report monitoring and Report monitoring recipients.PFIM-4575
In Overview, the Integrations Overview now contains information on Partition Name and Cluster Nodes when the user saves & deploys a connection. When the connection is deleted, the information in these columns is deleted as well. For multiple connections, only the Partition Name is set. PFIM-4592

Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
When editing a mapper, the option Send empty value as NULL is not saved.PFIM-3814
IntegrationManager version is not refreshed correctly in PlatformManager.PFIM-3890
The confirmation dialogue is not closed when a group is deleted from a user in the Edit User mode.PFIM-4478
It is not possible create an SFTP connection, the connection test is unsuccessful (even though on Linux the credentials work).PFIM-4484
When you go to Marketplace > Template Management, select an Integration Template and initiate its deployment via the Deploy icon in the Details page, it says: 'The selected template is not available'.PFIM-4495
The endpoint api/admin/users/usernames is called every time a user accesses the Accounts page which leads to HTTP status 400 for majority of users.PFIM-4514
When you only have the permission to create a partition, you cannot even access Account > Partitions.PFIM-4532
In Marketplace, when you click the Deploy button there is a few seconds delay when with no visible response. If you click Deploy again, another deployment process starts. The second process finishes with an error which is then displayed to you while the first process is still running.PFIM-4562
When creating a new IntegrationManager with the AWS provider, there is an incorrect information on credentials in the email confirmation.PFIM-4593
When deploying the "Load CSV from file to Pricefx" integration template to a newly created IM instance, there is a misleading error message about upgrading to a higher version.PFIM-4613
Users with the integration.admin permission for an account cannot see any integration under the given account and cannot work with integrations.PFIM-4617
SAML SSO does not work if a SSO username option is used.PFIM-4618

PlatformManager version 1.75.0