
This section shows all connections configured for the selected IM instance.

Instance Repository 

This tab shows a list of already deployed connections. When you want to apply changes to an already deployed connection, you need to first create a local copy, edit it and then deploy it.

For easier troubleshooting, you can also see here invalid connections and their definitions (i.e. connections which had issues during deployment).

Available options:

  • Create Local Copy – Allows you to edit already deployed connection; see below.

  • Show definition. 

  • Delete a connection.

  • Debug – A column in the Connections table that allows you to enable/disable debugging for deployed Pricefx connections.


This tab shows new or locally edited connections that have not been deployed yet.

Available options: 

  • Add/edit a connection – There are the following fields to fill in:

    • Name – Connection name of your choice.

    • Connection type – Select from:

      • Pricefx Client – Allows you to connect to a partition.

      • REST Basic

      • REST JWT – For details see the pfx-rest Component in IntegrationManager.

      • REST OAuth2

      • REST Public

      • SFTP – Connection of this type is automatically created for any new IM instance (since 1.50).

      • Salesforce OAuth2 (deprecated)

      • Salesforce Session (deprecated)

    • URI – Address of the system/partition.

    • Partition – Specifies the partition to connect to. 

    • Username / Password – Credentials for the given system/partition.

    • Certificate - When using self-signed SSL certificate for the connection, select its name. The certificate must be defined in the Certificates section and deployed in advance.

  • Deploy a connection.

  • Copy a connection. 

  • Delete a connection. 


PlatformManager version 1.75.0