Marketplace Tab

Marketplace Tab

Marketplace allows you to deploy various components that help you get started with Pricefx functionality and integration capabilities. These components include: Integration Templates, Accelerators, Dashboards, Libraries etc. With their help you can quickly set up a partition and start using Pricefx. Often these templates and accelerators provide the best starting point for further modifications.

Items in the Marketplace are organized by tags, such as Accelerators, Dashboards, Integration etc. You can see their list in the left pane and use it for filtering.

For deploying an accelerator/template, you need to have the corresponding permissions assigned, as well as for using Offers and Templates Management.

Your Own Templates

In the Marketplace you also have the option to upload your own packages. This can be handy when you want to re-use certain parts of your configured solutions or even share them with others. 

 Keep in mind that the package must be deployable and you are responsible for its functionality.

For more details see Non Approved Accelerators (Pricefx employees only).

In the Marketplace these templates are visible to regular Marketplace users only after the templates have been marked as approved.

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