Templates Management

Templates Management

This section shows all existing templates (Accelerators, Dashboards, Integration Templates) in Marketplace. To access it you need to have a corresponding global or account permission assigned. 

The following options are available in the row menu: 

  • Show Detail – Shows detailed information on the template, such as available versions, release dates, minimum integration/partition versions. You have the options to publish the template, deploy its specific version (using the icon in the last column) or delete it from the repository.


  • Edit – Allows you to modify the template/accelerator properties (if you have the Marketplace Templates Management - publish permission). There are two tabs:

    • General Settings – Allows you to edit the template/accelerator details which are then shown in the Marketplace. Editable fields are: Label, Documentation URL, Package Type and Tags. The values entered here have priority over the settings in the template/accelerator.


    • Steps – Allows you to edit the step details which are then shown when deploying the template/accelerator. Editable fields are: title and description of a UI step, title and description of every option (e.g. checkbox in filter-form-ui). The values entered here have priority over the settings in the template/accelerator.

  • Permissions – Allows you to set who can view or deploy the template:
      Public = all PlatformManager users
      Protected = just users or accounts defined below
    For more details see Templates Permissions.


In addition, there is the Export CSV button at top right which allows you to download the list of templates in the CSV format.

Deployed Templates

This section shows a list of deployed templates and helps you keep track of them. For each template there is the option Download Deployment State allowing you to get package_deployment_state.json. This file contains information on how the template was deployed (skipped steps, what fields were used for tables etc.). Also, if you deploy a template multiple times with some variations, you can check it in this file.

To see this section, you need to have the Deployed Templates Log – Read permission. Then this table shows records only for partitions/IMs that you are entitled to view (but Pricefx users can see all records here).

Failed Templates

This section provides information on template deployments which ended with an error. This information includes: which template and which partition, who started the deployment and when and other details. You can also view and download the partition and Accelerator logs – using the row menu option View Error Logs. This option provides you instant information without having to log into the partition. 

Failed deployments are deleted after 90 days.


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PlatformManager version 1.80.0