PlatformManager 1.49.0

This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the PlatformManager release version.

Release dateApr 25, 2022

In this document:

New Features and Improvements

Improvement DescriptionID
Integration objects – routes, mappers, filters, connections, certificates and classes – are now synchronized with their source in Gitlab and this impacts the way they are managed in PlatformManager. Each object has two tabs now: Instance Repository tab shows already deployed objects. Workspace tab shows new or locally edited objects that have not been deployed yet. To change an object, you need to create a local copy first, edit it in the Workspace tab and then deploy it. PFIM-4352
In Integrations there is now a new section Classes where you can define classes that can be deployed to IntegrationManager and used in routes via a Bean reference.PFIM-4475
If there is an error during Accelerator deployment, the dialog now shows the partition and Accelerator logs so that users can fix the error faster.PFIM-4498
Error notifications within PlatformManager have been unified (their placement and design).PFIM-4621
For AWS clusters with Loki (log aggregation system) it is possible to view the log directly from the Overview > Partitions and Overview > Clusters sections. PFIM-4736
The option to Update IM version has moved from the Details panel to the Settings section.PFIM-4746
Server and Git logs are now accessible either from the Details panel of a IM instance or from the Integration Overview > Instance Info section.PFIM-4773
Salesfx update events now also update the following fields in PlatformManager: Name (Partition Label), Serial Number, Account Name, Partition Type. PFIM-4892
When you go to Account > Integrations, the list of IM instances is now expanded by default, so that you can see all the environments faster. PFIM-4903
Deleting objects (routes, mappers, certificates, filters and classes) from the Workspace tab after they were deployed is supported only in IntegrationManager 3.1.0 and higher.PFIM-4951

Fixed Issues

Bug DescriptionID
In Integrations, when you edit Routes, it is not possible to discard the changes because the Cancel button is not clickable.PFIM-4603
When you delete a provisioned IM instance (both Hetzner and AWS providers), it is still kept in the database. PFIM-4779
In Integrations, the Stop/Start action in the row menu is available even if the user has only read permission for integrations and the action cannot (and is not) performed.PFIM-4866
When you create a partition using the option Non-standard Requirements (Partition will be created by Pricefx Support), the request is created and submitted but you receive an email with an error in the approval workflow. PFIM-4876
When a new user account is created and the user logs in, updates the password and logs in, the user gets an error message. Only after reload the user is logged in.PFIM-4882
When you create an Integration Notification and select 'undefined' as Max Running Time, it is not possible to create the notification.PFIM-4897
There are errors on prod pm-sfx related to creating IM instance Salesfx asset.PFIM-4930
The Update tab in Account > Integrations > Manual Instance should not be available.PFIM-4978

PlatformManager version 1.75.0