PlatformManager 1.53.0


This document summarizes major improvements and fixes introduced in the PlatformManager release version.



Release date

Sep 26, 2022

In this document:

New Features and Improvements

Improvement Description


Improvement Description


In Data Uploads, you can get a full list of failed records now: the first 50 are displayed in the UI, the complete list can be downloaded.


In Data Upload there is a new warning informing that if you choose to have the original data deleted after the data upload and if there is an error in the CSV file causing a line not to get updated, this particular record is then deleted. 


For Company Parameters, you create the corresponding table directly from PlatformManager during Data Upload, without having to log into the partition. 


In the Integrations table, you have now the options Collapse All / Expand All for the table rows. Once you apply one of these options, you can save the view using Preferences.  


When multiple users are invited to Accounts through the user groups or their permissions are changed using mass edit, the Account Owner receives only one summary email for all these events.


In Integrations > SFTP Servers > User Management it is possible to clear a user's password, so that PlatformManager admins can resolve issues with forgotten passwords.


In Data Uploads, information about failed records is saved to PlatformManager database (instead of ELK) and retrieved from there (to load the page faster). For older Data Uploads (1.52.0 and lower) which had failed records info stored in ELK, this info is no longer visible in this section.


Invalid Filters are also displayed in PlatformManager, so that you can at least see their definition and be prepared for troubleshooting.


Invalid Connections are also displayed in PlatformManager, so that you can at least see their definition and be prepared for troubleshooting.


Invalid Classes are also displayed in PlatformManager, so that you can at least see their definition and be prepared for troubleshooting.


It is possible now to delete routes/mappers/filters from sub-folders placed in Git. They can be deleted from both PlatformManager and GitLab repository. When the last object is deleted, this subfolder is deleted as well. 


In Data Uploads, all simple types that can be defined on a partition and are not bound to specific partition config are supported now.


In the Cluster Upgrade menu, it is possible now to downgrade a partition by choosing a lower minor version. 


Fixed Issues

Bug Description


Bug Description


When go to Alert Rules (both account and global) and click the Test Rule button, there is no message displayed in the UI.


In Administration > Single Sign On, when you generate the connection information and then switch between accounts (which did not have connection generated yet), the Entity ID and Redirect URL values stay the same. 


When you stop/start an SFTP server, the popup notification refers to this server using its ID (instead of its name).


When you have the permission Feature Flags - Read, you can still see feature flags edit options in the side panel invoked with the option Show Partitions Using this Flag. 


When you want to remove a user from a user group, the option is incorrectly called “Remove group” (instead of "Remove user from group").


In the Feature Flags section under a specific account, the Copy all/selected button does not work. 


In the 'waterfall-configuration' package step, it is not possible to move the elements with drag & drop.


When an Account does not contain any partitions or IM instances, it is incorrectly reloaded.


In some cases, the Create Partition form is displayed to a user who does not have the permission to create a partition.


In the Changes to Instance Repository dialog, there is missing information on who and when made the changes.


When you start editing a user and then click Cancel, there is a GET request with 404 status in the console. 


It is possible to change the version of an already created upgrade (which should not be).


PlatformManager fails to process the PARTITIONUPDATE event for some partitions.


The mapper property 'ConvertEmptyStringToNull' is not properly interpreted during package deployment. 


When transferring an AWS environment, there is a missing notification in Notifications when a merge request is created.



PlatformManager version 1.75.0