Partitions Overview

Partitions Overview

Shows a list of all partitions across all accounts. 

If you are entitled to view a certain account, it is shown as an active link. After you click it, you are redirected to the Account Tab section.


  • Available actions (in the row menu):  

    • Show details

    • Show Logs – Shows the log. This is available only for instances/partitions with Loki (log aggregation system).

    • Remote login as pricefx-support – If you are member of Support, you can log to the Pricefx partition from here. 

    • Remote login as root – If you are entitled, you can log as root to the Pricefx partition from here.

    • Remove partition from list (only removes the record from this list, not the partition as such). 

    • Delete partition completely (only for partitions in Created status for users with loginAs_root permission).

    • Create Support User – Creates a user at the Pricefx partition with the Investigate for support role. This user account has to have an expiration date defined. 

    • Request Eng-support User – Visible only to members of the Pricefx Engineering group. Allows them to ask for access to a partition. The option is available only if there is no Eng-support user created yet for the user. The request goes through an approval workflow and once it is approved, the user is notified by email. To access the partition, use then the option Remote login as Eng-support user (see below).

    • Remote login as Eng-support user – Visible only if there is an Eng-support user created for the user (see the option above). Allows the user to connect to a partition remotely.

    • Version History – Shows a table with used Pricefx versions and dates of upgrade. (Versions are stored since May 2024, no historical data is provided.) It is available even to users who do not have any other permissions assigned for this particular partition; it is sufficient to have only the global permission Partitions List – read.

  • Partitions that have not been accessed for more than 30 days are marked for deletion and an email is sent to the partition owner. If a user logs into this partition after this email was sent, the partition goes back to normal, i.e. it is no longer marked to be deleted.

  • Information about the partition is obtained from Salesfx. 

    • PlatformManager checks there whether every partition in the cloud has a matching record. If there is no matching record in Salesfx, the partition is grouped in the Unidentified partitions account.

    • The Partition Type is synced too.

      • If it is missing in Salesfx, it is added from PlatformManager and the other way round. When there is a conflict, Salesfx is the source of truth. 

      • When the Type is in the instance, the value is taken from there.

      • When there is null both at the partition and instance, default types are added: Production for partition, Production (Cloud) for instance.

    • If the synchronization between PlatformManager and Salesfx fails several times (by default 5 times), an email is sent to the Salesfx admin.

  • When a new partition starts reporting, the UUID of all partitions that have this ID is checked to prevent duplicities. If the ID is the same, the record is renamed/moved to the appropriate node record (so that Account and Instance are correctly reflected) and the original references are removed.

  • You can export this full list into a CSV file. (Filtering in this list is not applied in the export.)

This section is visible only with the global permission 'Partition List – read'.



PlatformManager version 1.75.0