
This section is available only to PFX employees

In this section:

To access these section, you need to have the Versions Management permission.

Release Versions

This section provides mapping for Pricefx versions: their release numbers, build numbers and commercial names, so that it is clear within PlatformManager what version is referred to. 

Admins can add a new release version here, modify its details, delete it or export the list to CSV.

Partition Upgrades

In this section Pricefx Ops engineers specify how long an upgrade event takes. There are two types of upgrades: Minor (e.g. from 5.4 to 5.5) and Major (e.g. from 5.4 to 6.0). 

Duration is specified using one of these formats: 

  • PT1H = 1 hour, PT45M = 45 minutes etc.  

  • 1:00 = 1 hour, 0:45 = 45 minutes etc.

This information is then used when an instance upgrade is requested and planned (as a slot length).

IM Instances Limit

In this section you can specify the maximum number of IM instances a project can have. To set the limit, click the row option Edit. 

To be able to see this section, you need to have the global permission Asset Limit Management. 

Partition Limit

In this section you can specify the maximum number of partitions an account can have. To set the limit, click the row option Edit. 

To be able to see this section, you need to have the global permission Asset Limit Management.

The default value is based on the environment type:

  • If there is an instance asset linked to the account (i.e. the customer uses PRIVATE environment), the limit is 7 partitions per instance.

  • If there is no instance (i.e. the customer uses SHARED environment), the limit is 1 partition on PROD and 1 on QA.

Eng Support Users

This section lists all Eng-support users created for accessing partitions. The option to request access to a partition is visible only to members of Pricefx Engineering group. In this overview you can see for which partition which Eng-support user were created, when the access was created, when it expires, who approved the request and their status (active/inactive). If needed, you can deactivate the user access to a partition.


PlatformManager version 1.75.0