Product Requests Tab
In this section you see an overview of ideas and improvement requests submitted for Pricefx Platform. The table lists their status, priority, popularity and other details. To view the full information, click the Detail option in the row menu.
The following actions are available here:
You can submit your own ideas (including attachments). The request is recorded here and you can check its status (details below). This request is also automatically recorded in Pricefx issue tracking system Jira. Pricefx users are automatically set as watchers of this Jira ticket.
You can vote for the ideas which you want to support. Your vote is then shown in the Popularity field. Voting is available only for non-Pricefx users.
Requests which are in the Released or Rejected status for more than 90 days are not displayed in this table.
States and Their Meaning
New – A newly submitted request that has not been reviewed by the Product team yet.
Under Discussion – The idea is being reviewed and validated by Product team members (usage data are being checked, internal feedback is gathered, research is being performed, etc.).
Gathering Interest – The interest in the idea is being gathered both externally (voting functionality in PlatformManager) and internally (requests from projects).
Approved – The idea is approved as valid and might be placed on the roadmap in the future (no timing is associated with the status).
In Progress – The implementation of the idea is already in progress and should be part of any of the planned releases.
Parked – The idea is saved for future re-evaluation, no progress is expected in planned releases.
Closed as Duplicate – The idea is already covered by another request. (Note: the related ticket does not have to be published among the Product Requests.)
Released – The functionality has been already implemented and released.
Rejected – The idea has been rejected by the Product team and will not be implemented.
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PlatformManager version 1.80.0