

This section shows all routes configured for the selected IM instance.

  • Instance Repository tab shows already deployed routes.

  • Workspace tab shows new or locally edited routes that have not been deployed yet.


  • For manual IM instances, the Name column is always blank and so it is hidden by default (for both manual and provisioned IMs). You can still display it using Table Settings and save it as a preference. The row menu works the from the second column too. 

  • For manual IM instances, the New Route button is disabled.

  • The standard case is that there is just one route in the definition file. But it is also possible to switch to the legacy mode and allow having multiple routes in the file (by setting the field isStandard to false). These so called non-standard routes cannot be edited by users at all (no local copy, delete or modify) as they are not compatible with PlatformManager UI.
    Non-standard routes are marked with an info icon, so that their status is immediately visible.

Instance Repository

This tab shows a list of already deployed routes. 

There are the following options for routes:

  • Create Local Copy – Allows you to edit already deployed routes; see below. For easier troubleshooting, you can create a local copy also for a failed route.

  • Send Payload – Allows you to directly upload CSV data. This can be useful for quick testing. This applies only to public routes. You can specify your own headers and properties which are then sent as a Camel exchange.

  • Show Definition – Shows the route definition in XML, route properties and deployment history. All tabs are read-only.

  • Show Diagram – Shows a graphical representation of the route. See an example.

  • Create Notification – Allows you to create a notification for a specific route. You will be notified if the route reaches a certain status: Success, Error, Warning. For details see Account Notifications.

  • Open Documentation – Shows the generated documentation to the given route. 

  • Start a route (if it is public).

  • Stop a route (if it is public).

  • Delete a route (if it is public).


  • Gitlab is the source of truth for all IM entities. They are fetched and merged with PlatformManager database entities.

  • For consistent look, manual IMs (connected to via PlatformManager) have also both tabs. 


This tab shows new or locally edited routes that have not been deployed yet.

When you want to apply changes to an already deployed route, you need to first create a local copy, edit it and then deploy it.

After you select Create Local Copy in the Instance Repository tab, you will asked to provide a name of the route copy. Then you will be switched to the Workspace tab. 

Route row menu provides the following options:

  • Edit – Editing section has three parts: 

    • Definition – Shows the route definition in XML where you can edit the route, save it and deploy.
       You can add a custom link to documentation to this section. Just add the link to the <documentationLink> element in the <properties> section in pom.xml. Then it will be displayed under the tab name.

    • Properties – Shows the properties of the imported integration, FTP setup and entities information. You can also add a new property here. Changed properties will be deployed to the running environment together with route deployment.
       The property must start with a prefix pfx, otherwise a change will not be applied immediately but only a service restart.

    • Deployment history – Shows when the route was deployed and whether successfully or not. 

  • Deploy a route. For details see How to Edit and Deploy Route.

  • Copy a route.

  • Delete a route. 
     Deleting a route from Workspace after it was deployed is supported only in IntegrationManager 3.1.0 and higher.

It is also possible to define which routes are private and which are public. See the note in Integration Overview.


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PlatformManager version 1.80.0