How To Generate Approval Required E-mail On Quote Save
If a client's workflow requires that the quote remains editable after being submitted for approval and notifications must be sent to the approvers, this can be achieved by generating the notification e-mails when the quote is saved (rather than submitted). The basic concept entails creating a “Submit To” flag with “Yes”/”No”/null options and a price parameter table to keep track of the generated e-mails (to prevent the e-mails from being generated more than once).
- When the quote is saved with “Submit To” == null -> nothing happens.
- When the quote is saved with “Submit To” == “Yes” -> a notification e-mail is generated to the appropriate parties and the quote gets entered into a tracking table to avoid duplicate e-mail generation.
- When the quote is saved with “Submit To” == “No” -> the quote record is deleted from the tracking table so that when the quote is saved with “Submit To” == “Yes” the e-mail is generated again.
Create a Price Parameter MLTV table (in this case called “QuotesEmailSent”) as follows:
Create a Calculation Flow Logic with the following code:
if (api.isInputGenerationExecution()) return //isInputGenerationExecution suppooted from version 10.0, in older versions use isSyntaxCheck def quotesSaved = true int i = 0 int step = 200 def qs = [] def quotes = [] def table = api.findLookupTable("QuotesEmailSent") def tableValues = api.findLookupTableValues("QuotesEmailSent") def quoteList = [] //create a list of quotes in the PP tracking table for (quote in tableValues) { quoteList.add( } //find all users in the approver group def ug = api.find("U", Filter.equal("groups.uniqueName", "Marketing Manager")) //create the list of e-mails of the users in the approver group def emailList = [] for (e in ug) { emailList.add( } //iterate over saved quotes while (quotesSaved) { qs = api.find("Q", i, step, null) if (qs.size() != 0) { quotes.addAll(qs) i += step } else { quotesSaved = false } /*Find the quotes with the “Submit To” flag switched to “Yes” that are not in the tracking table, and generate the e-mails adding the quote(s) to the tracking tables. Find the quotes with the “Submit To” flag switched to “No” and remove the quote(s) from the tracking table*/ for (q in qs) { def clic = api.getCalculableLineItemCollection(q?.typedId) for (lineItem in clic?.lineItems) { if (lineItem.folder) continue } for (input in clic?.inputs) { if ( == "submitForApproval" && input.value == "Yes" && !quoteList.contains(q.typedId)) { for (email in emailList) { api.sendEmail(email, "Submitted For Quote", "" + q.typedId + "&targetPage=priceShopPage#priceShopPage") } updateRecord = [lookupTableId :, "name" : q.typedId, "attribute1" : q.uniqueName, "attribute2" : q.lastUpdateDate] api.addOrUpdate("MLTV", updateRecord) } else if ( == "submitForApproval" && input.value == "No") { existingRecord = [lookupTableId :, "name" : q.typedId, "attribute1" : q.uniqueName, "attribute2" : q.lastUpdateDate] api.delete("MLTV", existingRecord) } } } }
Create a calculation flow which will run this logic every 5 minutes (or as often as you and the client deem reasonable).
In case there are more than one approval levels you will need to create a "Submit To" flag and a PP tracking table for each level.
The full code (including HTML formatting for the e-mail) is available in Git - Copy_of_GenerateEmailOnQuoteSave_VA1.groovy
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