Sales Compensation 1.1.1

Important Changes

New Adjustment Columns

New columns have been introduced to Accrual records related to Adjustments. These columns represent Invoice Price, Quantity and Gross Margin adjustment values. This requires new fields invoicePriceFieldName, quantityFieldName and marginFieldName to be mapped in SC_AdvancedConfiguration.

Adjustment Form Transaction Matrix Column Mapping

The columns in Transaction Matrix in the Adjustment form are now customizable. To customize the columns, use the PP table called SC_AdjustmentWizardTransactionFieldMapping.


PFPCS-5796 Adjustments - Make TX columns visible in tx input matrix on wizard configurable

PFPCS-5795 Adjustments - add support for Quantity and GrossMargin baselines

PFPCS-5779 Add Compensation schedules to the repository

PFPCS-5821 Adjustments - Connect admin dashboard with "Query Details" sub-screen

PFPCS-5820 Adjustments - Connect Transactions dashboard with "Transactions" sub-screen

PFPCS-5868 Remove "set" from Compensation Records


PFPCS-5852 Missing to add custom form roles into admin/manager business role

PFPCS-5853 SC Business Roles does not apply to new SC module