Sales Compensation 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0 requires Pricefx Hurricane 9.4.0 to work properly.

Changes to Business Roles

In this release we have made some changes to the Business Roles included in the package. These are the differences:

Business Role




Business Role




Sales Agent

  • View Compensation Plans

  • View Compensation Records

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • Export Dashboards

  • View Dashboards

  • View Custom Form

  • Run Analytics Queries

  • View Product Details

Sales Manager

  • View Custom Form

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • Manage Compensation Plans

  • Manage Compensation Records

  • Export Dashboards

  • View Dashboards

  • Manage Custom Form

  • View Seller Extensions

  • View Sellers

  • Run Analytics Queries

  • View Product Details

Sales Administrator

  • Administer Company Parameters

  • Administer Custom Form

  • Administer Sellers

  • Edit Localization

  • Manage Dashboards

  • Administer Schemas

  • Manage Data Analyzer

  • Manage Data Manager

  • Manage Workflow Logics

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • Administer Compensation Plans

  • Administer Compensation Records

  • Administer Sales Compensation module

  • Export Dashboards

  • View Dashboards

  • Manage Workflows

  • Manage Custom Form

  • Manage Seller Extensions

  • Manage Sellers

  • Edit Global Preferences

  • Run Analytics Queries

  • View Product Details

This means that the Business Roles have now the following permissions:

Sales Agent

  • View Dashboards

  • Export Dashboards

  • View Custom Form

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • View Product Details

  • Run Analytics Queries

Sales Manager

  • View Dashboards

  • Export Dashboards

  • View Sellers

  • View Seller Extensions

  • Manage Compensation Plans

  • Manage Compensation Records

  • Manage Custom Form

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • View Product Details

  • Run Analytics Queries

Sales Admin

  • View Dashboards

  • Export Dashboards

  • Manage Sellers

  • Manage Seller Extensions

  • Manage Custom Form

  • Administer Compensation Plans

  • Administer Compensation Records

  • Administer Sales Compensations Module

  • Edit Global Preferences

  • Manage Workflows

  • View Customers

  • View Products

  • View Product Details

  • Run Analytics Queries

Currency Support

The currency support has been added. The plans can now be payed out in different currencies. This requires one manual change listed in Upgrade Notes below.

Upgrade Notes

Add AttributeExtension on Compensation Plan Screen

Due to the Currency support there is a need to add an attribute extension on the Compensation Plan screen. The attribute extension should have the following structure:

  • Name: currency

  • Label: Payout Currency

  • Type: String

Update Business Roles

The Business Roles should be updated according to the tables above.

Add Hidden User Group

A new Hidden User Group needs to be added in User Group Admin:

  • Name: SC_Hidden

  • Label: [SC] Hidden

The group is never assigned to anyone.

Add Default Compensation Type Filter Formula

Add the SC_DefaultConditionTypeFilter into AdvancedConfiguration/defaultCompensationTypeFilterFormula. This change is due to PFPCS-6120.

Update CompensationAccrualRecordsAttributes

There are new attributes present in the Accrual Records:

  • Attribute24

    • Name: SourceCurrencyCurrentPeriodPricingBaseline

    • Label: Current Period Pricing Baseline (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This value typically represents volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

  • Attribute25

    • Name: SourceCurrencyPriorPeriodPricingBaseline

    • Label: Prior Period Pricing Baseline (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This number represents a value from one period ago. It typically represents volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

  • Attribute26

    • Name: SourceCurrencyPenultimatePeriodPricingBaseline

    • Label: Penultimate Period Pricing Baseline (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This number represents a value from two periods ago. It typically represents volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

  • Attribute27

    • Name: SourceCurrency

    • Label: Source Currency

    • Type: String

  • Attribute28

    • Name: PayoutCurrency

    • Label: Payout Currency

    • Type: String

  • Attribute29

    • Name: PricingDate

    • Label: Pricing Date

    • Type: String

Set up Default Compensation Type

Modify the (Default) type in the Compensation Types screen with the following:

  • Filter formula: No SC Condition Type Filter

  • User Group (View): SC_Hidden

  • User Group (Edit): SC_Hidden

Update CompensationRecordAttribute

  • Attribute13

    • Name: SourceCurrencyPreviousCompensation

    • Label: Previous Compensation (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

  • Attribute16

    • Name: PayoutCurrency

    • Label: Payout Currency

    • Type: String

  • Attribute20

    • Name: SourceCurrency

    • Label: Source Currency

    • Type: String

  • Attribute23

    • Name: SourceCurrencyForecastBaselineValue

    • Label: Forecasted Baseline Value (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This value typically represents forecasted volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

  • Attribute24

    • Name: SourceCurrencyForecastCompensation

    • Label: Compensation Forecast (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

  • Attribute25

    • Name: SourceCurrencyTrueUp

    • Label: True-up (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

  • Attribute5

    • Name: SourceCurrencyCurrentBaselineValue

    • Label: Current Baseline Value (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This value typically represents volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

  • Attribute6

    • Name: SourceCurrencyCurrentCompensation

    • Label: Current Compensation (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

  • Attribute7

    • Name: SourceCurrencyPreviousBaselineValue

    • Label: Previous Baseline Value (Source Currency)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Description: This number represents a value from one period ago. It typically represents volume, revenue, or margin depending on the relevant condition type.

Remove Adjustments Configuration Wizard User Permissions

Previously the Configuration Wizard for Adjustments (SC_AdjustmentWizard) had restrictions on user groups: SC_Administrator and SC_SalesManager, they should be removed now.

Modify SalesOrg Seller Extension Keys

There should be a modification to the keys in the SalesOrg SX, now the keys are Seller Id, Valid From and Team, as opposed to previous Seller Id, Valid From and Valid To.

Update SellerSalaries SX

There should be a new attribute added to the SellerSalaries, the attribute is as follows:

  • Attribute2

    • Name: Currency

    • Label: Currency

    • Type: String

This attribute should be also added as a new Business Key for this table (besides SellerId).

Fixed Issues


PFPCS-6003 Editable currency

PFPCS-6331 Add Payout Currency support to the Calculation Flow

PFPCS-6335 Admin/Payouts and Plans Dashboards adjustments for Payout Currency

PFPCS-6336 Transaction Dashboard adjustments for Payout Currency

PFPCS-6337 Compensation Dashboard adjustments for Payout Currency

PFPCS-6342 Payouts and Plans, Transaction Dashboard: Show "There's no seller defined for user" message if Pricefx user ID is not associated with any seller Id

PFPCS-6221 Introduce Compensation Plan Status input for Transaction Dashboard

PFPCS-6320 Transaction Dashboard / Compensation Dashboard: Should include Co ID in the dropdown list of Compensation Plan(s) input

PFPCS-6322 Dashboards Improvements: Align dashboard visibility

PFPCS-6339 Hide "Variable Pay" condition types if no all sellers have salary specified

PFPCS-6359 Address changes in core for Sellers User Roles

PFPCS-6332 Add Payout Currency support to the Calculation Flow - Plan Part

PFPCS-6333 Add Payout Currency support to the Calculation Flow - Compensation Record Part

PFPCS-6334 Add Payout Currency support to the Calculation Flow - Accrual Record Part

PFPCS-6355 Update logic to get correct currency value of Accrual record in Compensation record context

PFPCS-6358 Add Payout Currency support to the Calculation Flow - Adjustment Part


PFPCS-6120 CO: Error thrown when creating a new Default type

PFPCS-6216 Adjustment workflow step is not displayed after submission

PFPCS-6304 COR: Return EndDate incorrectly if seller termination date is changed to another date

PFPCS-6330 Group: Incorrect previous baseline value on CO because of validFrom/validTo (SX) and startDate/EndDate (CO)

PFPCS-6346 Variable Pay Multi Target Amount: Showing incorrect Target Incentive (%) input label

PFPCS-6350 Transaction Dashboard: Showing irrelevant Compensation Plan type although it is not selected on the input

PFPCS-6352 Transaction Dashboard: Compensation Plan Type(s) input shows No data when having multiple sellers selected

PFPCS-6362 Transaction Dashboard: Data still displays although the user account is not associated any sellerId

PFPCS-6395 Payout Currency COR: Error thrown after running record job and creating adjustment data

PFPCS-6398 Missing Source Currency value in compensation record detail

PFPCS-6401 Difference between value in DM and after converted from payout currency to source currency in COR

PFPCS-6402 Adjustment: Caught error in [SC_AdjustmentsPostApprovalWorkflow - AdjustmentProcessing - DateUtils] : ERROR(@164): Unparseable date: "Thu Sep 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022"

PFPCS-6406 Missing PA_Query role for SC business roles

PFPCS-6407 Payout Currency Dashboard: Currencies are not sorted in alphabetical order

PFPCS-6408 Missing to add Team in business key of SalesOrg SX

PFPCS-6409 Error caught in the regeneration compensation records after adding a new seller in a team

PFPCS-6411 Payouts and Plans Dashboard: Value is not converted based on the enabled Source Currency radio

PFPCS-6412 Payouts and Plans Dashboard: Still has data displayed in inputs if the user account is not associated any sellerId

PFPCS-6413 Transaction Dashboard: Still has data displayed in inputs if the user account is not associated any sellerId

PFPCS-6414 Transaction Dashboard: Compensation Records table shows irrelevant sellers based on the selected Seller input

PFPCS-6415 Transaction Dashboard: No data in tables and portlets if selecting compensation record (payout currency)

PFPCS-6417 Transaction Dashboard: Compensation Records table shows irrelevant COs based on the selected Compensation Plan Status input

PFPCS-6418 Missing View Product Details for SC business roles