Accelerate Price Flexibility Package

The Price Flexibility Package ensures ongoing price maintenance and updates:

  • Price recalculation is triggered if there are changes (e.g. new cost, new information on a competitor price) or new products added.

  • A ToDo item can be created automatically and products are added to an LPG.

  • After the calculation, the price can be approved.

  • Finally, the product is updated in an existing Price List (or added if it is a new product).

Key Deliverables

With this package you can increase your flexibility for rapid market changes through our dynamic pricing capabilities. You can also automate your regular price maintenance and updates through price recalculations based on defined triggers and formulas.

  • Notifications related to newly added / updated products

  • Definition of rules for price building logic and automated price updates through Live Price Grids

  • Scheduling of automated pricing updates

  • Automated invoking of new pricing approval process through automated workflows

  • Deploying new pricing into general price lists

price grid sample
Figure 1. Example of Live Price Grid lines with calculated results
price flexibility dashboard sample
Figure 2. Example of dashboard portlet with detail of product calculations

Further reading: