Accelerate Actionable Insights

Accelerate Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights Accelerator helps you find business opportunities or detect risks by using relevant contextual actions which are triggered by specific situations.

The basic building blocks of Actionable Insights are:

  • Watcher – Regularly scans data and applies specified rules (alert conditions) to it. If alert conditions are met during the Watcher’s run, the Watcher automatically creates predefined Actions.
    Supported data sources for Watchers are: Datamart, Simulation Datamart, Rollup or Optimization Model (DMT tables organized by Models to which they belong).

  • Action – Task created by Watcher in case its alert conditions are met.

  • Action Plan – “Wrapper” object allowing you to group Actions created by a Watcher together by their nature. Action can be located in a specific group within one Action Plan.

Further reading:

See also Pricefx Documentation for details on main building blocks, visibility of Actionable Insights within the application, prerequisites.