Sales Compensation 1.3.0

Version 1.3.0 requires Pricefx Hurricane 9.2.0 to work properly.

Incompatibility with 1.2.0

Due to changes in PFPCS-6041 the Sales Compensation objects (Compensation Plans, Compensation Records, Accrual Records) created in 1.2.0 will not work in this version.

New Flat Bonus Condition Type

A new Condition Type has been added with this release.

Manual changes

Due to the change made in PFPCS-6143 all logics and objects related to Sales Compensation need to be removed or their validity date needs to be adjusted to 2015-01-01.

The list of objects to be changed:

  • Logics

    • SC_AdjustmentHeader

    • SC_AdjustmentHeader_Configurator

    • SC_AdjustmentWizard_Executor

    • SC_AdjustmentWizard_Inputs

    • SC_Compensation

    • SC_CompensationDashboardsLib

    • SC_CompensationHeader

    • SC_CompensationHeaderSellerConfigurator

    • SC_CompensationProcessingLib

    • SC_CompensationRecordCalculationFeeder

    • SC_CompensationTypesLib

    • SC_Dashboard_Admin

    • SC_Dashboard_Compensations

    • SC_Dashboard_Compensations_Configurator

    • SC_Dashboard_Date_Configurator

    • SC_Dashboard_PayeePlans

    • SC_Dashboard_Transaction

    • SC_Dashboard_Transactions_Configurator

    • SC_Embedded_Dashboard_Compensation_Detail

    • SC_Forecast_Configurator

    • SC_OverviewReport

    • SC_QuotingPluginLib

    • SC_SalesCompensationPlanReport

    • SC_SellerInputFilter

    • SC_TransactionsReport

    • SC_YTDReport

  • Pricing Parameters

    • SC_AdjustmentWizardTransactionFieldMapping

    • SC_ConditionTypes

    • SC_CustomerFieldMapping

    • SC_HeaderSellerDetailsMapping

    • SC_ProductFieldMapping

    • SC_QuotingPluginConfiguration

  • Workflow Formula

    • SC_AdjustmentsCustomForm

    • SC_AdjustmentsPostApprovalWorkflow

    • SC_AgreementRecord

    • SC_SalesCompensationAgreement

Additionally, the SC_AccrualForecast_Configurator needs to be removed as it has been replaced with SC_Forecast_Configurator.

Upgrade notes

Due to changes introduced in PFPCS-6041 there are several changes that need to happen during upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0. The changes are:

  • Rename “targetFor” to “quotaFor” in Advanced Configuration named “SC_AdvancedConfiguration”.

  • Sales Compensation now uses SC_ConditionTypes Price Parameter table instead of RM_SC_ConditionTypes. If Rebate Manager is not deployed on the partition, the RM_SC_ConditionTypes can be removed. The SC_ConditionTypes needs to be created, it can be done using the provided definition below.

  • Add a new Compensation Type:

    • uniqueName : “SC_FlatBonus”

    • label: “Flat Bonus”

    • formulaName: “SC_Compensation”

    • attribute4: “Flat Bonus”

  • Modify the definition of Compensation Types:

    • SC_SingleTargetAmount

      • name: SC_SingleTargetAmount → SC_SingleQuotaAmount

      • label: Single Target Amount → Single Quota Amount

      • attribute4: Single Target Amount → Single Quota Amount

    • SC_SingleTargetPercent

      • name: SC_SingleTargetPercent → SC_SingleQuotaPercent

      • label: Single Target Percent → Single Quota Percent

      • attribute4: Single Target Percent → Single Quota Percent

    • SC_MultiTargetAmount

      • name: SC_MultiTargetAmount → SC_MultiQuotaAmount

      • label: Multi Target Amount → Multi Quota Amount

      • attribute4: Multi Target Amount → Multi Quota Amount

    • SC_MultiTargetPercent

      • name: SC_MultiTargetPercent → SC_MultiQuotaPercent

      • label: Multi Target Percent → Multi Quota Percent

      • attribute4: Multi Target Percent → Multi Quota Percent

  • Modify the definition of CompensationConditionTypeAttribute/attribute4 to:

    { "fieldType" : 2, "fieldValueOptions" : { "ValuesRestrictedByDSConfig" : true, "attributedFieldType" : 2, "criteriaJson" : null, "dataSourceLabel" : "Company Parameter Values: SC Condition Types", "fetchUrl_target" : { "fetchUrl_type" : "LT", "simulationSet" : null, "uniqueName" : "SC_ConditionTypes", "validAfter" : "2015-01-01" }, "fieldLabel" : "Condition Type Name", "fieldName" : "attribute1", "fieldType" : "TEXT", "metaKeyPrefix_is_fetchUrl_target" : true, "metaTypeCode" : "MLTVM" }, "formatType" : "TEXT", "label" : "ConditionTypeName", "labelTranslations" : { "" : "Condition Type Name" }, "readOnly" : false, "requiredField" : false }
  • Modify the CompensationConditionTypeAttribute/attribute9:

    • label: TargetFor → QuotaFor

  • Modify the CompensationRecordAttribute/Default:

    • attribute8

      • label: AccrualForecastBaselineValue → ForecastBaselineValue

    • attribute9

      • label: AccrualForecastCompensation → ForecastCompensation

    • attribute14

      • label: AccrualForecastQuantity → ForecastQuantity

Price Parameter Definitions


PFPCS-6240 Potential exception in SellerUtils.getSellerGroupForCurrentUser

PFPCS-6238 Regeneration takes wrong sellers into account

PFPCS-6237 SC Admin Dashboard - Incorrect Transaction data YTD is showing

PFPCS-6235 SC Compensation Dashboard - Error Cannot get property 'Seller' on null object

PFPCS-6234 Wrong validation in SellerUtils.warnIfAnySellersCouldBeTerminated()

PFPCS-6231 SC Admin Dashboard - Seller(s) input filter does not work properly

PFPCS-6226 SC Payouts and Plans Dashboard - Error happens when Seller Id is not assigned to pfx user

PFPCS-6217 Admin dashboard: no data in Seller(s) input picker

PFPCS-6211 Group Compensation: Caught error in [SC_Compensation - PreviousPeriodData - QueryUtils] : failed: Cannot invoke "java.util.List.iterator()" because "filterValuesAsList" is null

PFPCS-6206 CO: Validation message contains a technical name

PFPCS-6199 Individual Compensation: CORs are not removed after updating Termination Date

PFPCS-6189 Flat Bonus: Missing validation "Quota should be always bigger than Target Incentive"

PFPCS-6174 CompensationInputDefinition [via FilterUtils] : ERROR(@0): No signature of method:parsedscript_FilterUtils_IQHQULxc5A.buildFilterFromFieldMapping()

PFPCS-6172 Missing validation when mapping incorrect Datamart field name

PFPCS-6168 Caught error in [SC_Compensation - GenerateAccrualRecords - CompensationInputParameter] : ERROR(@0): No signature of method: parsedscript_CompensationInputParameter

PFPCS-6149 Wrong Condition Type Name for 2 condition types: MultiQuotaAmount and MultiQuotaPercent

PFPCS-6145 Upload new reference file into deployment process

PFPCS-6144 Incorrect label of seller master step in deployment configuration

PFPCS-6117 CO: There is no workflow after clicking Submit

PFPCS-6114 CO: Return baseline value incorrectly if seller termination date less than Start Date (CO)

PFPCS-6103 SC Compensation Dashboard - Seller should be a mandatory field

PFPCS-6095 COR: Adjusted value is not taken into account baseline when seller does not have any data in DM

PFPCS-6055 CORs are not generated correctly based on seller termination date

PFPCS-5890 Admin Dashboard, Payouts and Plans Dashboard: Seller input is not marked as required

PFPCS-5823 Compensation Pie Chart - it shows false if there is no data


PFPCS-6194 Remove the onClick event in Payout Table on Admin Dashboard

PFPCS-6193 Dashboard Improvements - Payouts and Plans Dashboard

PFPCS-6164 Dashboards improvements - Admin Dashboard

PFPCS-6147 Remove common RM and SC objects

PFPCS-6143 Change all possible object validity dates to 2015-01-01

PFPCS-6116 Adjustment Form - Change Data fields validation

PFPCS-5983 Flat Bonus (Single Individual Commission Rate)

PFPCS-5869 Add product/customer field mapping validation

PFPCS-6132 Consider to change/update name of configurator logic SC_AccrualForecast_Configurator

PFPCS-6068 Accrual Forecasts - Rename to Compensation Forecasts - code changes

PFPCS-6041 Rename Target to Quota - code changes

PFPCS-5959 Group Compensation - Remove managerOf field from SalesOrg SX