Sales Compensation 1.1.0

This release is a complete redesign of the solution. It supports the new Pricefx Sales Compensations module with completely redesigned calculation flow and new compensation types and handling of adjustments/disputes.


PFPCS-5799 Transactions Dashboard - New code flow adjustments

PFPCS-5798 Payouts and Plans Dashboard - New code flow adjustments

PFPCS-5797 Payout Dashboard - New code flow adjustments

PFPCS-5793 Include Adjustments in COR compensation calculations

PFPCS-5755 Run new calculation flow only for valid compensation records

PFPCS-5752 Implement support for SC Quoting Plugin

PFPCS-5751 SC Quote Integration Plugin Package

PFPCS-5742 Quote Line Compensation Calculation

PFPCS-5671 Compensation Calculation Data Flow

PFPCS-5618 Payout Dashboard - Revenue in Summary portlet

PFPCS-5592 My Payouts and Plans Dashboard - Revenue field

PFPCS-5591 [SC] Administrator User Group for dashboard access

PFPCS-5575 Mixpanel tracking for SC - dashboard views

PFPCS-5574 My Payouts and Plans Dashboard - Payouts portlet

PFPCS-5554 My Payouts and Plans Dashboard - minimalistic

PFPCS-5543 Quote header: Compensation Pie Chart

PFPCS-5536 Payout summary HTML portlet

PFPCS-5535 Threshold highlights in Payout Dashboard

PFPCS-5525 Compensation Record new combined name

PFPCS-5511 Payout Dashboard - minimalistic

PFPCS-5483 Adjustments

PFPCS-5477 Date input for Transaction Dashboard

PFPCS-5473 Compensation Line Score on Quote line item

PFPCS-5437 One merged RM/SC library for Processing

PFPCS-5424 SC - Fill in logic documentation gaps

PFPCS-5411 Transaction Dashboard

PFPCS-5350 ATH new name for the first type

PFPCS-5330 SC label prefixes for logics

PFPCS-5326 One merged RM/SC library for Dashboards

PFPCS-5325 SC - Fill in architectural documentation gaps

PFPCS-5212 LineItem label in reports

PFPCS-5211 Link from "Year To Date Compensation Agreement Table" to agreement

PFPCS-5196 Rounding for big numbers

PFPCS-5158 Seller table initial upload

PFPCS-5131 Indirect compensation

PFPCS-5117 Group compensation


PFPCS-5690 Add seller Info to compensation in method generateCompensationRecord

PFPCS-5678 Change Seller input in header to Seller Group

PFPCS-5039 Configuration label changes for easier understanding of configuration hierarchy