Sales Compensation 1.4.0

Version 1.4.0 requires Pricefx Hurricane 9.3.0 to work properly.

New Condition Types

New Condition Types have been added with this release:

  • Multi Target Bonus

  • Stepped Bonus

  • Variable Pay Linear Amount

  • Variable Pay Multi Target Amount

  • Variable Pay Stepped Amount

New Seller Extension

A new Seller Salaries Seller Extension has been added. It is used to calculate in the Variable Pay Linear Amount, Variable Pay Multi Target Amount, and Variable Pay Stepped Amount.

Adjustments Limits

Currently, when you submit the Adjustment, with filters on Transactions data returning data exceeding 25 000 rows, you often get timeout. This issue will be resolved once the support for mass addOrUpdate for COARs is added (PFUN-17298).

Upgrade Notes

Due to new Condition Types being added, there are several changes that need to happen during upgrade from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0. The changes are:

Add New Condition Types in SC_ConditionTypes Company Parameter

Condition Type Code

Condition Type Name

Condition Type Code

Condition Type Name


Multi Target Bonus


Stepped Bonus


Variable Pay Linear Amount


Variable Pay Multi Target Amount


Variable Pay Stepped Amount

Create New Condition Types



Pricing Logic (formulaName)

Condition Type Name (attribute4)



Pricing Logic (formulaName)

Condition Type Name (attribute4)


Multi Target Bonus

Sales Compensation (SC_Compensation)

Multi Target Bonus


Stepped Bonus

Sales Compensation (SC_Compensation)

Stepped Bonus


Variable Pay Linear Amount

Sales Compensation (SC_Compensation)

Variable Pay Linear Amount


Variable Pay Multi Target Amount

Sales Compensation (SC_Compensation)

Variable Pay Multi Target Amount


Variable Pay Stepped Amount

Sales Compensation (SC_Compensation)

Variable Pay Stepped Amount

Adjust Pricefx Parameter


  • Table Type: SIMPLE → MATRIX

  • Value Type: MATRIX → MATRIX 2

  • key1:

    • Name: adjustmentFieldName

    • Label: Adjustment Field Name

    • Type: String

    • Required

  • key2:

    • Name: datamartFieldName

    • Label: Datamart Field Name

    • Type: String

    • Required

Update Data in Sales Organisation Seller Extensions

Due to the change made in PFPCS-6246, it is required to update the existing data in the Sales Organisation Seller Extension based on the new structure as shown below:

  • attribute1 → Team

  • attribute2 → Valid From

  • attribute3 → Valid To

Add New Seller Salaries Seller Extension

  • Name: SellerSalaries

  • Label: Seller Salaries

  • Size: 3

  • Allow Search: True

  • User Group (Edit): [SC] Administrator

  • User Group (View Details): [SC] Administrator


  • Business Key: Seller ID

  • attribute1:

    • Name: FixedSalary

    • Label: Fixed Salary (Annual)

    • Type: Real

    • Format Type: Money

    • Required

User Permissions in Dashboards

Due to changes in PFPCS-6255 it might be necessary to check if all users have appropriate User Groups assigned.


PFPCS-5980 Multi Target Bonus

PFPCS-5982 Stepped Bonus

PFPCS-6275 Variable Pay Linear Amount

PFPCS-6277 Variable Pay Multi Target Amount

PFPCS-6276 Variable Pay Stepped Amount

PFPCS-5901 Group Compensation - show warnings when COR generation is skipped because of validity dates

PFPCS-5938 Line Item Compensation and Forecast summary on Header

PFPCS-6196 Address the TODO in Admin dashboard related to PFUN-16836

PFPCS-6197 Dashboard Improvements - Transaction Dashboard

PFPCS-6224 Address changes made in User Roles

PFPCS-6255 Dashboards - User permissions to be driven by User Groups instead of Business Roles

PFPCS-6236 Add Adjustment Wizard Transaction Field Mapping validation

Bug Fixes

PFPCS-6030 Adjustments - Clicking submit before "applying" input causes an error and breaks data

PFPCS-6296 Adjustment does not generate accrual records

PFPCS-6307 Input validation still shows when all Target Rate (%) inputs were filled

PFPCS-6310 Fixed Salary should be changed to Annual Fixed Salary

PFPCS-6229 Group: Previous baseline value on CO is displayed incorrectly because of validFrom in Sales Org SX

PFPCS-6266 Error thrown when leaving Sales Goal Increase % input empty on header

PFPCS-6102 SC Transaction Dashboard - Only Payee who participate in COR should be displayed in Payee selection input

PFPCS-6262 PayoutTable : ERROR(@0): No signature of method: parsedscript_PayoutTable_fZKNljimVO.createPayoutTable() when opening Admin Dashboard and Payouts and Plans Dashboard

PFPCS-6280 SC Compensation Dashboard - error CompensationInput is displaying

PFPCS-6281 SC Transaction Dashboard - Error CompensationRecordInput is displayed when applying Seller

PFPCS-6282 SC Transaction Dashboard - Error CompensationPlanStatistics is displayed when applying only Compensation Plan Type and Compensation Plan

PFPCS-6283 SC Transaction Dashboard - Incorrect input field names and default date

PFPCS-6284 User permissions priority on SC Dashboards

PFPCS-6285 Multi Target Bonus: error thrown when adding and recalculating this condition type

PFPCS-6289 SC Compensation Dashboard - No data is displayed if Compensation Plan is empty

PFPCS-6290 SC Transaction Dashboard - Compensation Records portlet shows all data and was not affected by Seller Id if only Seller Id is applied

PFPCS-6292 Multi Target Bonus: Missing validation "Target Incentive should be less than Quota"

PFPCS-6297 SC Transaction Dashboard - Incorrect configuration for Date input

PFPCS-6298 Variable Pay: Change Condition Type name

PFPCS-6302 Variable Pay Linear Amount: Current salary is not divided by the periods defined in the calculation

PFPCS-6303 Multi Target Bonus: Incorrect compensation value

PFPCS-6309 Stepped Bonus: Incorrect compensation value

PFPCS-6312 Validation message shows improperly when having no configuration in SC Adjustment Wizard Transaction Field Mapping PP

PFPCS-6314 Multi Target Variable Pay: Change Condition Type name

PFPCS-6315 Variable Stepped Amount: Incorrect compensation value

PFPCS-6318 Transactions Dashboard - Admin access User Group should be removed

PFPCS-6246 Attribute 1 (old managerOf field) is still visible in Sales Org SX