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This section lists advanced configuration options and application properties which you can use in Configuration > Advanced Configuration Options.



true / false

Enables a safer 'Confirm delete' dialog where users confirm the deletion of a given number of items. See /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4122248690.


true / false

Allows you to switch off autocomplete behavior in filters. See How to Disable Autocomplete When Entering Values in Advanced Filters.


true / false

Allows you to have PGIs in Submitted status auto deleted when the corresponding product is no longer eligible for the LPG (as per the dynamic item filter criteria).


Configuration > Quoting General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, you can convert a Quote to Deal when it is expired. See Quoting General Settings.



For PX and CX, there is a limit of 255 characters for user group strings combined together. If you need to select more user groups and/or they have very long names, use this option which specifies the maximum allowed group string length. 


LPG setup > Parameterstrue / false

If set to true, a column type in LPG can be changed. See How to Create and Configure New LPG.


true / false

If set to true, api.loginfo output is put into logs. See Logging and Debugging.

true / falseIf set to true, the backend login event is sent to Mixpanel in non-prod clusters.


true / false

Shows the My Pending Approvals section on the Home page even if it is empty. See How to Make Home Panels Always Visible.


true / false

Shows the My Pending Creation Workflows section on the Home page even if it is empty. See How to Make Home Panels Always Visible.


true / false

Shows the My ToDo List section on the Home page even if it is empty. See How to Make Home Panels Always Visible.

asyncSubmitDCRThresholdnumberSets the threshold (number of rows) from which a Data Change Request is submitted asynchronously. Enter 0 to force asynchronous submit for all DCRs. The default value is 100.
autoAlignResultsConfiguration > General Settingstrue / falseIf enabled, results in the Calculation Results table are aligned depending on data type (money, number percentage to the right, text to the left). If disabled (default), all results are aligned to the left.


Configuration > Quoting General Settings

true / false

Enables auto-conversion of a Quote from Offer to Deal.


true / falseAdds a unique ID to price parameters. See How to Assign a Unique Autogenerated ID to Price Parameters.


true / falseGroups results by the Result Group in Calculation Details. See How to Group Calculation Results.
autoLoadOXConfiguration > General Settingstrue / falseIf disabled, the Product / Customer / Seller Extension tables are not populated with data automatically after you open them but only after you click the Refresh icon.


Configuration > Agreements & Promotions Configurationstring

Defines your own values to represent work status. See Work Status Options.


Configuration > General Settingsstring

Sets the base URL prefix under which this instance is reachable from the Internet. See General Settings.


true / false

If set to true, streaming export for quotes is enabled. By default it is disabled.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs

Sets mapping between element names and attribute numbers. See Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs.


Configuration > Agreements & Promotions General Settingstrue / falseIf checked, the Agreement/Promotion's header logic is executed right after the Agreement/Promotion is created (i.e., before the user can see it). See Agreements & Promotions General Settings.


Configuration > Quoting General Settingstrue / falseIf set to true, the Quote's header logic is executed right after the Quote is created (i.e., before the user can see it). See Quoting General Settings.


Configuration > Rebates General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, the Rebate Agreement's header logic is executed right after the Rebate Agreement is created (i.e., before the user can see it). See Rebates General Settings.


Defines the Band by color (available for Bubble and Scatter charts).


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settings
Defines a color for all Box Plot series which get embedded in another series. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settings
Defines the min and max colors for the interpolated color axis in Heatmap charts. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settings
Sets a global Highcharts theme definition which customizes fonts, colors and other rendering options. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settings
Defines default colors for the chart's series. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settingstrue / false

If set to true, the UTC time is used for axis scaling. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Analytics > General Chart Settings

Defines colors for the waterfall or waterfall comparison charts series. See General Chart Settings.


Configuration > Channel Managementname of logic

Allows you to select a logic (of the Claim nature) that will populate a newly created Claim with data. See Channel Management Configuration.


Configuration > Channel Managementname of logic

Allows you to select a logic (of the Claim nature) that will populate a newly created Claim with data. See Channel Management Configuration.



Sets the Claims prefix in their name. The default is CL.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Determines the workflow logic validity date based on the item effective date. See General Settings.


Configuration > External Systems > CloudConvert

Token has to be added on the system partition level by Support/Ops to enable the PDF exports. See /wiki/spaces/LEARN/pages/77955111 and CloudConvert.


Configuration > External Systems > CloudConverttrue / false

Shows if the CloudConvert service has been enabled for the partition. See CloudConvert.


Can be used to have the same shared cache for two different partitions on the same cluster (both keys need to be specified the same) if those generated automatically by the system are deleted.


Similarly to clusterCacheKey, this setting allows for different partitions having access to the same KV store data.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, history of comments in Price Lists, Manual Price Lists and Live Price Grids is captured and displayed in the product details screen Comment History. See General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, it show progress in a Configurator when it is recalculated. See General Settings.



Sets the Agreement/Promotion's prefix in their name. The default is C.



Allows you to add a string of your choice between the Agreement/Promotion's unique name and the revision number.

The default value of this option is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.


Configuration > Agreement & Promotion Mass Update Templates

Defines templates for Agreement/Promotion mass update jobs. See Agreement & Promotion Mass Update Templates.


true / false

If set to true, attachments are copied when duplicating a Quote. By default this is switched off. 


true / false

Copies the last update date on flush to DS or Datamart.

copyLastUpdateDateOnRefreshtrue / falseCopies the last update date on refresh to DS or Datamart.


Configuration > Master Dataname of CX

Defines available customer extensions. See Customer Master Extensions.

(warning) Do not edit directly.


Configuration > Price Setting

Defines what customer related data from Analytics can be displayed in Product Detail View. See /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4122216187.

(warning) Do not edit directly.


Configuration > Product/Customer Detail View

Allows you to create a chart definition and thus to display data from Analytics as a portlet in the Customer Detail View. See Customer Query Chart Definition.


Configuration > External Systems

Defines connection to a SMTP server used for sending emails from Quotes, Agreements/Promotions and Rebate Agreements. See SMTP Configuration.


Allows you to add a string of your choice between the Custom Form unique name and the revision number.

The default value of this option is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.



When using the option 'Restrict values by Data Source', you can configure how many items are displayed by default in a drop-down menu of such column. The default is 1000. See Customize Columns.

(warning) Not supported in Unity.


Configuration > General Settingsnumber

Allows you to change the number of days before the expiry date when the email is sent. The default is 5 days. See General Settings.



Sets the Data Change Requests prefix in their name. The default is DCR.



Sets the Deal Plans prefix in their name. The default is DP.



Sets the Deal Plan Rounds prefix in their name. The default is Round.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Enables you to make product and customer extensions configuration independent from product and customer records. See General Settings.


Administration > Logics > Header Logicsname of logic

Defines a calculation logic used at the contract header level. See Agreements & Promotions Header Logics.


Administration > Logics > Generic Logicname of logic

Defines a generic calculation logic. For details see Generic Logic.


Configuration > Entitlements

Sets which objects will be assigned the same default user groups as the creator has. See Entitlements.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGsname of logic

Defines a default calculation logic used for LPGs. See Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGsname of logic

Defines a default logic used for Price Lists. See Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGsname of price list

Defines which Price List's view preference for the output columns will be used as a template and applied to all Price Lists without individual settings. See Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGsemail

Defines which user is notified when the calculation of a new Price List is completed. See Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs.


Administration > Logics > Header Logicsname of logic

Defines a calculation logic used at the Quote header level. See Quote Header Logics.


Configuration > Logics > Header Logicsname of logic

Defines a calculation logic used at the Rebate Agreement header level. See Rebate Agreement Header Logics.


  • exact
  • startsWith

Switches between two types of behavior of simple filters: either they search for all entries which contain the string that you typed (startsWith) or they return search result that exactly matches your search string (exact). See How to Make the Simple Filter Search for Exact Values.


This option is deprecated, it was removed in Collins 5.0. 


Configuration > General Settings

Sets the default time zone (as an offset to GMT/UTC). For details see General Settings.


Configuration > My Workflowstrue / false

If set to true, it is not possible to attach documents to workflow emails. For details see Workflows Configuration.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, automatic re-login of Web UI is disabled. For details see General Settings.


true / false

Allows you to hide the icon for downloading objects (e.g., Quotes, Agreements/Promotions) in the DOCX format. See How to Hide Download DOCX Icon.


true / false

Disables sending emails.


Configuration > General Settings >true / false

Disables sending events through HTTP (PUSH). Use it if you use the Pull method.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Disables O365 support login, so that you can explicitly approve/grant access by non-partition users like root/support.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, no email notifications about expiring password are sent. See General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, the Log page will display the traditional log file as in previous releases (before Bijou 7.0). For details see General Settings.


Configuration > Agreements & Promotions General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, Agreement/Promotion is submitted automatically when document creation WF is finished. If the Agreement/Promotion is rejected in the approval process, the creation workflow is restarted at its last step allowing further work on the document.


Configuration > Quoting General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, Quote is submitted automatically when document creation WF is finished. If the Quote is rejected in the approval process, the creation workflow is restarted at its last step allowing further work on the document.


Configuration > Rebates General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, Rebate Agreement is submitted automatically when document creation WF is finished. If the Rebate Agreement is rejected in the approval process, the creation workflow is restarted at its last step allowing further work on the document.

doNotInjectJWTInECtrue/falseIf enabled, JSON web token is not injected into the Excel Client XLSM file.


true / false

Disables storing the content of in the transition between passes.

Note: This is only applies for cases where the first pass is non-distributed.


true / false

Disables the use of loaddata (bulkload) in Excel Client for Price Parameters. Bulk loading is much faster but always replaces the full row.


true / false

When set to true, price list calculations and price grid calculations will use the calculation logic specified in the list configuration only and not the logic that might be defined in the product master (which usually overrides the list-defined logic).


Configuration > General Settingsemail 

Specifies an email address where all emails from the system are redirected. This can be useful for testing scenarios where sending emails to real users is not desired.


Configuration > My Workflows

Allows you to enable a document creation workflow for Quotes, Agreements/Promotions or Rebate Agreements. See Workflows Configuration


Configuration > General Settingsname of user group

Allows you to define which user groups are allowed to download data from tables within the application (i.e., see the Download to XLS/PDF/DOC icon). To specify the groups, enter their names (case insensitive) separated by a comma.

If this option is not defined, everyone can export data.

If this option is enabled but no user group is defined, the export functionality is disabled for all the users.

enableOptimizationEnginePageOptimization > Optimization Enginetrue / falseIf set to true, the Optimization Engine page is available in the module menu.
enablePricingGuidance-true / falseIf set to true, the deprecated Pricing Guidance is available in the Optimization module menu, otherwise it is not. It also hides user roles associated with Pricing Guidance. Available since version 12.0.


Configuration > My Workflowsarray of strings

For Quotes, Agreements/Promotions, Rebate Agreements or Price Lists, you can allow users to optionally enter comments when they submit the document. See Workflows Configuration.


Configuration > External Systems > E-Signature

(warning) Do not modify. For details see E-Signature.


Configuration > External Systems > E-Signature

(warning) Do not modify. For details see E-Signature


Configuration > External Systems > E-Signature

Allows you to add a DocuSign sandbox. For details see E-Signature.


Configuration > General Settingsemail

Email address to which events from the current partition are published. When empty, emails with events are not generated. See General Settings.


Makes the application do something on a specified event or a user action. For details see /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/2006122707.


Configuration > General Settings

Sets the HTTP endpoint to which events from the current partition are published. See General Settings and Enable HTTP Events on Pricefx Server.

externalJWTConfigurationJSON definitionConfigures authentication via external JSON web token.


When downloading a Price List to Excel, this option expands one row matrices into individual columns.



HTML code

Allows you to add a custom button to the main navigation bar, next to the logo. This button can lead to any URL of your choice. See How to Add Your Own Button to Navigation.


Configuration > Templates

Defines the FlexChart templates. See FlexChart Templates.


Configuration > General Settingsname of user group

Allows you to define which user groups (case-insensitive names separated by a comma) are allowed to download data from tables within the application. See General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingsnumber

Defines the maximum number of rows the Group By function in grids is performed for. If the number of rows exceeds the limit, grouping is disabled. The default limit is 1000.


Configuration > Product/Customer Detail View > Configure Product Detail Viewname of portlet

Allows you to set which default portlets will and will not be available when users configure a Product Detail View. All items that you define here will not be available. See Configure Product Detail View.

hideCompensationRecordsBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Compensation Records that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Compensation Record list at all. Available from 9.0.
hideCompensationsBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Compensations that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Compensation list at all. Available from 9.0.
hideContractsBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Agreements/Promotions that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Agreements & Promotions list. Available from 10.2.


true / false

If set to true, Price Parameters are completely hidden for groups that are not entitled to see them. See Company Parameters.

hideQuotesBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Quotes that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Quote list. Available from 10.2.
hideRebateAgreementsBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Rebate Agreements that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Rebate Agreement list. Available from 10.2.
hideRebateRecordsBasedOnUserGroupstrue / falseIf set to true, Rebate Records that a user group is not entitled to view are not displayed in the Rebate Record list. Available from 10.2.



Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, the number of decimal places is preselected in the Precision column of the mass edit dialog. See General Settings.


Configuration > Templates > Message Templates

Defines languages available for selection in the locale drop-down. See Message Templates


name of element

Makes specified Price List outputs mandatory. See How can I make Price List outputs mandatory?



Sets a default limit for the number of columns that are displayed in Datamart and Data source data tables. See Data Sources and Datamarts.



Sets the Model Records prefix in their name. The default is MR.


Configuration > Templates > Message Templatestrue / false

Allows you to disable a particular message template type. See Message Templates


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Allows you to disable the creation of OBJREF tasks after an Agreement/Promotion or Rebate Agreement is saved or submitted. See General Settings.


true / false

Fixes an issue with complex filters using multiple AND/OR groups in a product filter. Default: true (from 9.0). For details see Advanced Filter.

others__customHeaderColorConfiguration > AppearancestringDefines the application header color in hexadecimal format.
others__customLogoUrlConfiguration > AppearancestringDefines the URL of the page where the user will be taken after clicking the custom logo in the application header.
others__customLogoConfiguration > AppearancestringBase64 encoded logo added to the application header.


Configuration > Analytics General Settingstrue / false

If disabled, data grids in Analytics (Data Feeds, Data Sources, Datamart, Simulations and Rollups) are not populated with data automatically after you open them but only after you click the Refresh icon. See Analytics General Settings.


Configuration > Analytics General Settingstrue / false

Allows you to increase the speed of queries on a Datamart with a Currency Data Source with daily rates. See Analytics General Settings.


Configuration > Analytics General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, filter dropdown queries on dimension fields in a Datamart are quicker because they are delegated to the underlying Data Source. See Analytics General Settings.


Configuration > Analytics General Settingstrue / false

If enabled, data in Data Sources with set data entitlements are visible also to users who are not members of any of the entitled user group. See Analytics General Settings.

paShowHiddenFieldsInDataGridtrue / falseIf set to true, hidden fields are shown (and queried) in Analytics data grids in the Classic UI. Default is false.


Configuration > General Settingsnumber

Number of days when all passwords get expired. The default is that a value is not set which means "no expiry". See General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Determines whether to keep password history or not. By default it is disabled. See General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingsnumber

How many passwords are kept in history. The default is 0 which is essentially the same as no history at all. See General Settings.


Configuration > Analytics to Price Setting MappingCustomer ID

When mapping the product key from Analytics to the Product key from Price Setting, it allows you to set the Customer ID. See Analytics to Price Setting Mapping.


Configuration > Analytics to Price Setting MappingSKU

When mapping the product key from Analytics to the Product key from Price Setting, it allows you to set the SKU. See Analytics to Price Setting Mapping.


Determines which attributes will be in your Payout Records and, in the logic, allows you to map payout record attributes to the corresponding original rebate record attributes. See Payout Records.


Configuration > Price Setting > Denial Reasons (LPG)string

Allows you to predefine reasons for denial which are then shown to users who deny items in Live Price Grids. See Denial Reasons (LPG).

poMTEnabledtrue / falseIf set to true, Model / Model Types / Optimization Engine pages in Optimization are enabled. If the option is not present, it is considered true.
poMCEnabledtrue / falseIf set to true, Model Object / Model Class page in Optimization is enabled. If the option is not present, it is considered false.


JavaScript object

Allows you to run a Workflow Post Step Logic even when there is no workflow defined. This can be useful when you want to take advantage of the logic context built around the workflow, yet you do not need the approval workflow. See Workflow Post Step Logic.



Sets the default value for keys when changing the Matrix Type of the Price Parameter table from less columns to more columns.


true / falseDetermines if the recalculation event for a price grid item contains the payload showing the item before or after the recalc.


true / false

If set to true, a full LPG calculation cancels previously queued partial calculations. This behavior is applied to trackers in the "Waiting for dispatch" status.






Will process it and show an error in the line.

Will skip it (and keep old values).

Will invalidate it.

Will remove the item from the grid/list.



Sets the Price Grid Items prefix in their name. The default is PGI.


Configuration > Price Setting > Defaults for Price Lists and LPGsname of logic

Defines a list of logics (sub selection of all logics) available when creating Price Lists.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, it is possible to edit the target date even after the price list was calculated. 


Configuration > Master Dataname of PX

Defines available product extensions.

(warning) Do not edit this option directly.


Classic: Configuration > PriceBuilder

Defines what product related data from Analytics can be displayed in Product Detail View (which is available from Price Lists, LPGs etc.). See /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4122216165.


Configuration > Product/Customer Detail View > Product Query Chart Definition

Specifies what data from Analytics to display as a portlet in the detail view of Product Master, Price List, Price List Simulations or Live Price Grid. See Product Query Chart Definition.


Configuration > Templates

Specifies Excel or Word templates used for publishing documents to XLSX, PDF or DOC formats. You need to specify the type by adding a suffix: "publishingTemplates_Q" (Q for quotes; others respectively). See Publishing Templates.


Configuration > General SettingsNAME
MINIMUM_6 (up to 16)

Sets the complexity for passwords. For details see General Settings.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, checks a new password in the "Have I been pawned" online database against known stolen/broken passwords.


Configuration > Quotingtrue / false

If set to true, the Customer Group user input field is shown in the Input Parameters on the Quote root level.


Configuration > Quotingtrue / false

If set to true, the Customer user input field is shown in the Input Parameters on the Quote root level.


Configuration > Quoting

true / false

If set to true, users with a set up customer filter will see only Quotes created for those customers.


Configuration > Quoting

true / false

If set to true, users will see only the Quotes that they have themselves created.


Configuration > Quotingnumber

Sets up the number of days which will by default offset the respective date when creating a new Quote in Quoting. See Quoting General Settings


Makes inputs which are displayed in the quote's Input Parameters section available to users in the product selector. See How to Add Inputs to Product Selector.



Sets the Quotes prefix in their name. The default is P (due to backward compatibility).


Allows you to configure Product Recommendations Model. See Specific Model Type: Product Recommendations Model.



Allows you to add a string of your choice between the Quote unique name and the revision number.

The default value of this option is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.


Configuration > Quoting > Quote Mass Update Templates

Defines templates on which Quote mass update jobs are based. See Quote Mass Update Templates.


Configuration > Quoting General Settingsnumber

Sets up the number of days which will by default offset the respective  target date when creating a new Quote in Quoting. See Quoting General Settings.



Sets the Rebate Agreement prefix in their name. The default is R.


Configuration > Rebates

Allows you to display data from the Rebates module as a portlet in the detail view. See Rebate Chart Definition.


Classic: Configuration > Rebates

Defines what data from the Rebates module to display. See /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4122478398.



Sets the Rebate Records prefix in their name. The default is RR.



Allows you to add a string of your choice between the Rebate Agreement unique name and the revision number.

The default value of this option is $uniqueName$-REV-$revId$.


true / false

If set to true, the LPG detail view refreshes on update.


true / false

Reevaluates inputs in the syntax mode during fetching Rebate Records. See PFCD-5976.


true / false

This is an equivalent of putting api.retainGlobal = true to every logic. It applies to the whole partition.


Configuration > Agreements & Promotionstrue / false

If set to true, the creation workflow logic is executed right after an Agreement/Promotion is saved.


Configuration > Quotingtrue / false

If set to true, the creation workflow logic is executed right after a Quote is saved.


Configuration > Rebatestrue / false

If set to true, the creation workflow logic is executed right after a Rebate Agreement is saved.


Configuration > External Systems > SAML Configuration

Definition of all SAML configs.

(warning) Edit it directly only if you know what you are doing.


Configuration > Agreements & Promotionstrue / false

If set to true, a new Agreement/Promotion is calculated immediately after saving.


Configuration > Quotingtrue / false

If set to true, a new Quote is calculated immediately after saving.


Configuration > Rebatestrue / false

If set to true, a new Rebate Agreement is calculated immediately after saving.


true / false

If set to true, you get notified of jobs which failed due to an error or timeout. See How to Get an Email Notification When a Background Job Fails.



Sets a number describing how many items will be calculated in the distributed mode.


true / false

If set to true, it suppresses autoApprove when an item is dirty. See Multi-pass Calculation of a Pricelist or LPG.


true / false

If set to true, a new revision of Q/RBA/CT is not recalculated immediately. You need to specify the type by adding a suffix: "skipRevisionRecalc_Q" (Q for quotes; others respectively). See Quote Actions.


Configuration > Home Pagename of portlet

Allows you to define at the partition level the list of portlets that will be displayed on the Home page.


Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, two-factor authentication is required for all users logging in to the application (directly, not via SSO). See General Settings.


Analytics > Data Loadstrue / false

A DM Refresh can be run in two different modes:

  • Incremental mode - Only the DS data modified or added since the last DM refresh is loaded in the DM.
  • Non-incremental mode - All the source data is (re-)loaded in the DM. When the DM is already populated, a non-incremental refresh usually results in a costly merge of mostly the same data from the DSs into the DM. To prevent this, the DM is truncated first, resulting in a much faster load. But if a DM Truncate is performed before the DM Refresh, the DM can be without data for quite a long time (until the DM is fully populated again).

When truncateDatamartOnNonIncRefresh = true new solution here is to do the Truncate and Refresh in one and the same DB transaction, and let this be driven by the DL's incremental mode setting. To avoid disruptions in existing projects (even though it is strongly recommended that it should always be possible to rebuild a DM from its source data, there could be e.g., a Calculation DL that enriches the DM data once loaded and this DL may stop working after the full (non-incremental) DM refresh), the new non-incremental DM Refresh behavior is enabled only when an advanced setting 'truncateDatamartOnNonIncRefresh' is set to true.


Classic: Configuration > General Settingsstring

Allows to enter text for the welcome dialog, e.g., link to Unity UI or some announcements.


Classic: Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

If set to true, users are presented with a customizable welcome dialog after they log in.


Classic: Configuration > General Settingstrue / false

Allows you to promote the Unity UI enabled for this partition.


true / false

If set to true, during submit the system updates ObjRefs for header Customer Group right away on save (synchronously). See PFUN-8055.


true / false

If set to false, it turns off filtering on user groups and makes the response faster. See When adding attachment in QC on partition with thousands of user groups, I get error.


true / false

If set to true, Persisted Quote Calculation Processor is used; otherwise QuoteCalculationProcessor is used.


true / false

If set to true, a Quote exported to Excel uses result names (not Labels) as column headers on the Data tab. For details see Quote Actions.


Configuration > Analytics > Default Waterfall (Classic)

Defines a system-wide default waterfall. See /wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4122117718.


true / false

If set to true, document creation workflow templates are disabled. See Document Creation Workflow.


Configuration > My Workflowstrue / false

Determines if a summary email listing all the new pending approvals is sent or not.


Configuration > My Workflowsnumber

Specifies an interval at the end of which a summary email listing all the new pending approvals is sent. This option is disabled if left empty.

  • No labels