Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs

Defaults for Price Lists and LPGs

In this section, you can define:

Default Logics

You can choose which calculation logic will be preselected in the Default pricing logic drop-down list when users create a new Price List or Live Price Grid.

 Setting or changing the default calculation logic in Configuration has no impact on existing Price Lists or Live Price Grids.

Price List Default Logics

If you want to show only selected logics to the user in the Default pricing logic drop-down list, you can define them in this table. For each logic you can also define the related result price element. Users, when creating a new Price List or Live Price Grid, will be able to only select from the logics listed in the table and the Result Price field will be preselected based on your settings.

For example, with the settings in the below screenshot, the user will be able to select from the three listed logics when creating a new Price List / LPG. After the middle one is selected, the 'FinalPrice' element will be automatically selected as Result Price.

Remember to save all changes, including deleting a table row.

Preferred Field Mappings

By default, calculation logic elements are assigned a Price List or Live Price Grid attribute number automatically when the logic is run.

In this section, you can manually set the mapping between element names and attribute numbers. This way, the mapping is generated before the calculation and stays fixed across Price Lists or LPGs. However, if a mapping already exists for an element, mapping in this section will be ignored and a random attribute will be picked instead – no existing mappings are altered.

The main advantage is that you can refer to Price List / LPG lines (items) using the attribute number (you must ensure the same structure for all PLs or LPGs) so that you do not have to perform translation from element to attribute in the logic or adapter.

Price List Notifications

In this section, you can specify if the user is notified when the calculation of a new Price List is completed.

Price List View Preferences

You can select which Price List's view preference for the output columns will be used as a template and applied to all Price Lists without individual settings.

  • You need to select here a price list with saved view preferences. Once you select it, it is applied (no saving necessary).

  • The view preferences contain only the "view" part (visible columns and their order/widths) but not the filter of the preference.

  • The preferences are copied at the time when you set it (as indicated by the time stamp next to the selected Price List name). If the template Price List changes later on, the changes are not applied to the template automatically. You need to select the Price List here again.

  • If the Price List selected here is deleted, new Price Lists are created with just default preferences.

Price List Target Date Offset

For the Target Date attribute, sets the number of days which will be added to the current date when creating a new Price List.

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Pricefx version 14.0