Advanced Configuration Options
All configuration is stored as key/value pairs and this is what you can see in this section. Also, some special configuration settings do not have a UI equivalent (a dedicated page or option in the Administration) and they can only be set here. To be able to set these options correctly, you have to know their exact name and valid values, so typically you do this only after being instructed by Pricefx Support.
For some examples of use see:
How to Get an Email Notification When a Background Job Fails
How to Assign a Unique Autogenerated ID to Company Parameters
Configure the drop-down menu size when using the option 'Restrict values by Data Source' to customize a column
When adding attachment in Quoting on partition with thousands of user groups, I get error
How to Disable Autocomplete When Entering Values in Advanced Filters
Avoid scanning and using formulas defined on product level in Price Lists, LPGs, Simulations
How to Disable Passing Global Variables from One Calculation Pass to Another
How to customize the name of the new Rebate Agreement revision
Change the default settings of password expiry notifications
Fix issue with subclauses when filtering on PX/CX attributes
Save feature flags for further use in SAML configuration or in PlatformManager
For a complete list of advanced configuration options see the Developer Knowledge Base.
Found an issue in documentation? Write to us.
Pricefx version 13.1