Price Setting Types

Price Setting Types

Price Setting Types for Price Lists and Live Price Grids are templates with preselected header, pricing and matrix logics and a view preference. Using a Price Setting Type helps you save time by eliminating the need to fill in every field when creating a Price List or LPG. The complete list of the Price Setting Types can be found under Price Setting Types (Price Setting > Price Setting Types).

Create Price List Type


Price List Type

  1. Go to Price Settings > Price Setting Types.

  2. Select the Price Lists tab.

  3. Click Add Price Setting Type.

  4. Enter a Name and Label.

  5. Select a header logic. The header can be used to simulate changes in product prices and do other Price List manipulations and see how it affects the results. The header will typically contain user inputs and calculation results displayed in a table and in a chart.

  6. Contextual Actions Configuration
    For more information see Contextual Action Button or Context Linking.

  7. In the Type field, select one of the following option:

    • SIMPLE to use only SKU.

    • MATRIX to use both SKU and Secondary Key.
      For more information see Matrix logic.

  8. Optionally, set Target Date. (This option defines fixed target date to use in the price calculation.)

  9. Optionally, set Edit, View Details and Can Use limitations for user groups.

  10. Optionally, select Copy preference from. (You can select which Price List to copy preferences from.)

  11. Optionally, in the Definition field, add a JSON configuration that links this Price Setting Type to a Price List impact simulation Model Class.

  12. Click Continue.

Input Parameters

The admin user, who has the Manage PL Types role enabled, has the option to either keep the lock icon (lock_icon.png) for a specific field open or closed. If the lock icon is closed, it indicates that the business user will not be able to modify this field while creating a Price List from that particular Price List Type. This restriction also applies later when the Price List is in use.

Input Parameters

  • Allow distributed calculation – If checked, the calculation of values associated with each product is performed in parallel across several nodes, which can lead to a significant improvement in performance.


  1. Select the Default pricing logic.
    This calculation logic will be used if no specific method is defined in the product master data. For more information see Default pricing logic.

  2. Set the Result Price.
    Specifies the name of the Price List element where the final price result for each item is stored. The drop-down shows all pricing elements from the selected Default pricing logic. If Default pricing logic is empty, the drop-down here will show all pricing elements from all pricing logics.

  3. Optionally, set the Dynamic UOM.
    For more information see Dynamic UOM.

  4. Optionally, set the Dynamic currency.
    For more information see Dynamic currency.

  5. Optionally, set the What action do you want to choose in case the calculation fails? item. You can select from the following options:

    • Abort whole list

    • Skip item and continue

  6. Optionally, set Notify me by item. You can select from the following options:

    • No action

    • Email

Calculation Logic Inputs

  1. Optionally, set the Customer Type.

  2. Optionally, set the Classification.

  3. Optionally, set the Account Group.

  4. Optionally, set the Region.

Click Continue.

Output Columns

You can select the Output Columns. Define the output element's visibility using the check-boxes:

  • Check-box in the first column – If checked, the result of the given element is displayed as a column in the Price List.

  • Hide in item list – If checked, the given element is not displayed but still available for mapping to an attributeXX field (for the purpose e.g., integration or filtering from API). However, it is still possible to see the values in the remote procedure call requests data (as it is still part of the data).

  • User Toggle Visibility – If a row has the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be visible and displayed in the application during the creation of the Price List. If a row does not have the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be hidden. If all rows on a particular page are hidden, then the Output Columns step will also be automatically hidden during the Price List creation process.

Click Create Type.

Create Live Price Grid Type


Live Price Grid Type

  1. Go to Price Settings > Price Setting Types.

  2. Select the Live Price Grids tab.

  3. Click Add Price Setting Type.

  4. Enter a Name and Label.

  5. In the Type field, select one of the following option:

    • SIMPLE to use only SKU.

    • MATRIX to use both SKU and Secondary Key.
      For more information see Matrix Logic.

  6. Select a header logic. The header can be used to simulate changes in product prices and do other LPG manipulations and see how it affects the results. The header will typically contain user inputs and calculation results displayed in a table and in a chart.

  7. Optionally, select the preferred Custom Action Logics.
    For more information see Create a Custom Mass Action.

  8. Contextual Actions Configuration
    For more information see Contextual Action Button or Context Linking.

  9. Optionally, set Target Date. (This option defines fixed target date to use in the price calculation.)

  10. Or select Relative Target Date.
    Relative to the current date, e.g. setting -5 means the system will consider Company Parameters which are valid at the current date (date of LPG calculation) - 5 days. This target date will be used in the price calculation. Target Date does not only control the date references of pricing parameters used, but it also determines if the LPG gets calculated by a Calculation Flow when actionBuilder is used.

  11. Optionally, set Edit, View Details and Can Use limitations for user groups.

  12. Optionally, select Copy preference from. (You can select which Live Price Grid to copy preferences from.)

  13. Optionally, in the Definition field, add a JSON configuration that links this Price Setting Type to a Price List impact simulation Model Class.

  14. Click Continue.

Input Parameters

The admin user, who has the Manage LPG Types role enabled, has the option to either keep the lock icon (lock_icon.png) for a specific field open or closed. If the lock icon is closed, it indicates that the business user will not be able to modify this field while creating a Live Price Grid from that particular Live Price Grid Type. This restriction also applies later when the Live Price Grid is in use.

Input Parameters

  • Allow column type change – If checked, the column type can be changed.

  • Allow distributed calculation – If checked, the calculation of values associated with each product is performed in parallel across several nodes, which can lead to a significant improvement in performance.

Dynamic Item Mode

Products can be added or removed from the Live Price Grids at any new re-calculation of the LPG based on the filter definition and the mode setup. You can select the following options:

  • Add only

  • Add & Remove

    The Dynamic item filter has a priority over the fixed product selection.

Dynamic Item Filter

Optionally, set the Dynamic item filter:

  1. Click Create Filter.

  2. On the Value Selector screen, select the list of desired products.

  3. Click Select Filter.


  1. Select the Default pricing logic. (This calculation logic will be used if no specific method is defined in the product master data.)

    Locked Default pricing logic – When creating a LPG with a locked default pricing logic, the default logic associated with the LPG type determines the options available in the element fields (e.g., Dynamic UOM, Dynamic Currency), even if a product with its own pricing logic is selected.
    Unlocked Default pricing logic – When creating a LPG with unlocked default pricing logic, the options available in the element fields are determined by the pricing logic of the selected product, provided that the product has its own pricing logic.

    For more information see Default pricing logic.

  2. Optionally, set the Dynamic UOM.
    For more information see Dynamic UOM.

  3. Optionally, set the Dynamic currency.
    For more information see Dynamic currency.

  4. Set the Result Price.
    Specifies the name of the Live Price Grid element where the final price result for each item is stored. The drop-down shows all pricing elements from the selected Default pricing logic. If the Default pricing logic is empty, the drop-down here will show all pricing elements from all pricing logics.

  5. Optionally, set the Auto-approve.
    You can specify one column to serve as an auto-approve indicator. When this column returns a positive value, set the approval state of the LPG to Auto-Approved.

  6. Optionally, set the Manual Price Expiry.
    For more information see Manual Price Expiry.

  7. Optionally, set the Increase Threshold [%] and Decrease Threshold [%].
    For more information see Increase/Decrease Threshold.

Calculation Logic Inputs

  1. Optionally, set the Customer Type.

  2. Optionally, set the Classification.

  3. Optionally, set the Account Group.

  4. Optionally, set the Region.

Click Continue.

Output Columns

You can select the Output Columns. Lists all elements returned by the pricing logic and configured to be shown in the LPG. Available options are:

  • Check-box in the first column – If checked, the result of the given element is displayed as a column in this particular Live Price Grid. You can select up to 100 elements.

  • Hide in item list – If checked, the given element is not displayed but still available for mapping to an attributeXX field (for the purpose e.g. integration or filtering from API). However, it is still possible to see the values in the remote procedure call requests data (as it is still part of the data).

  • Change triggers approval – Forces an approval on an LPG line item when there was a change in underlying data (even if the result is the same).

  • User Toggle Visibility – If a row has the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be visible and displayed in the application during the creation of the LPG. If a row does not have the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be hidden. If all rows on a particular page are hidden, then the Output Columns step will also be automatically hidden during the LPG creation process.

  • Copy value when approved – Copies the value of the given output element (in the first column) into another element (the one you select in this drop-down menu) when the line item gets approved. Elements available for selection in this drop-down are only those checked in the first column.

Click Continue.

System Columns

You can set up which system columns will be hidden in the item list.

  • Hide in item list – If checked, the given element is not displayed but still available for mapping to an attributeXX field (for the purpose e.g. integration or filtering from API). However, it is still possible to see the values in the remote procedure call requests data (as it is still part of the data).

  • User Toggle Visibility – If a row has the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be visible and displayed in the application during the creation of the LPG. If a row does not have the user toggle visibility enabled, it will be hidden. If all rows on a particular page are hidden, then the System Columns step will also be automatically hidden during the LPG creation process.

Click Create Type.

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Pricefx version 14.0