Price Setting Types

This is the documentation for Clover Club 12.0.
Documentation for the upcoming version Rampur 13.0 can be found here.

Price Setting Types

Price Setting Types for Price Lists and Live Price Grids are templates with preselected header, pricing and matrix logics and a view preference. Using a Price Setting Type helps you save time by eliminating the need to fill in every field when creating a Price List or LPG.

Create a Price Setting Type

The first step is to create Price Setting Types.

  1. Go to Price Setting > Price Setting Types.

  2. On the Price Setting Types list page, click the Add Price Setting Type button.

  3. Enter a Name and Label.

  4. In the Type field, select Price List or Price Grid, depending on where your new Type is intended to be used.

  5. Select a header logic. The header can be used to simulate changes in product prices and do other Price List / LPG manipulations and see how it affects the results. The header will typically contain user inputs and calculation results displayed in a table and in a chart.

  6. Optionally, select a Custom Action logic that adds a custom action to the Mass Actions menu. You can select multiple logics.

  7. Optionally, in the Contextual Actions Configuration field, add a JSON configuration that links this Price Setting Type to a Price List impact simulation Model Class.

  8. Select a Price List / LPG whose saved view preference will be applied to new Price Lists / LPG based on this Type.

  9. Select a pricing logic that will be used for products which have no pricing logic defined.

  10. Select a matrix logic (for matrix Price Lists with two keys) and the matrix logic element (defines the secondary key field).

  11. Set view/edit limitations for user groups.

Create a Price List / LPG Based on a Type

With Price List / LPG Types ready, you can use them when creating a new Price List or LPG.

  1. Start creating a new Price List or LPG the usual way. The only difference is that you define which Type the list/grid will be used as a template.

    1. For Price Lists: In the Set Parameters step, select the required Type from the 'Header Type' drop-down list.

    2. For LPGs: In the Define Live Price Grid step, select the required Type from the 'Header Type' drop-down list.

  2. When the Price List / LPG is created, you can open it and start using the header's functionality. Based on the calculation logic associated with the Type, the header can contain the following sections:

    • Calculation inputs – Enter values into provided user input fields (or a configurator) to drive or simulate prices of the products included in the Price List or LPG. The available options depend on the calculation logic.

    • Chart – Provides a graphical representation of the output.

    • Calculation results – A table displaying the calculation results.

  3. When you enter your input values or update the Price List / LPG table below the header, you must save or recalculate the Price List / LPG.

    • Save – Executes the header logic and updates the header.

    • Recalculate Header – Updates the header but also executes the standard line item logic since it typically uses the inputs from the header. Thus not only the header is refreshed but also the line item table.
      Note: These two buttons are never active simultaneously.

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