Export Pricefx Quotes to Salesforce Sales Cloud

This template exports Quotes from Pricefx to Salesforce. The export schedule can be configured by a cron expression during template setup.

Exported Quotes need to have filled the External Reference field, which is the ID of the Opportunity in Salesforce. If the Pricefx Quote does not have a value in the External Reference field, it will not be selected for export.


If a Quote is created in Salesforce for the first time, it will be given a unique ID by Salesforce which will be saved in the Pricefx Quote in a field defined by the customer during template setup.

Salesforce Quote ID example:

If the Pricefx Quote has assigned Salesforce Quote ID, the Salesforce Quote will be updated.

In the current version, only the Name field of the Salesforce Quote will be created/updated.

Creating/updating Salesforce Quote will recreate Salesforce Quote Line Items. Pricefx Products that are used in the Pricefx Quote need to exist in Salesforce and are matched by a customer defined field of the Pricefx Product.

Connection between PlatformManager and Salesforce

For details on setup see Salesforce Configurations.


Go to PlatformManager > Marketplace, find Synchronize Quotes from Pricefx to Salesforce, select Deploy and then select a target integration instance and template version.

Configuration Steps

  1. Choose the Salesforce REST connection to be used.

  2. Configure Integration Template parameters:

    • Cron expression for triggering synchronization – Defines when this Integration Template should run. Example value: "0+0+*+*+*+?+*".

    • Salesforce API version – Version of the target Salesforce API. You should enter only the number, skip the usual "v" in the path. Example value: "48.0".

    • Salesforce ID of a Price Book which stores Products we want to add to the Quote. Salesforce Products must exist in this Price Book to add them as Quote Line Items.

    • Name of a field of the Pricefx Quote which contains Salesforce Quote ID. This field will be used to match the Quote in Pricefx and Salesforce.

    • Name of a field of the Pricefx Product which contains Salesforce Product ID. This field will be used to match Products in Pricefx and Salesforce.

    • Pricefx Quote Line Item output field name which will be mapped to the Salesforce Quote Line Item Quantity field.

    • Pricefx Quote Line Item output field name which will be mapped to the Salesforce Quote Line Item Unit Price field.

PlatformManager version 1.75.0