Export Pricefx Quotes to SAP C4C

This Integration Template exports Quotes from Pricefx to SAP C4C. The export schedule can be configured by a cron expression during template setup.

Exported Quotes must have ID of the Opportunity in SAP C4C filled in the External Reference field. Any quote without a value in the External Reference field will not be selected for export.




If a quote is created in SAP C4C for the first time, it will be given an unique ID by SAP C4C, which will be saved in the Pricefx Quote in a field defined by the customer during template setup. Changes in price or quantity in quote line items in the Pricefx Quote will be reflected in the same quote in SAP C4C.

SAP C4C Quote ID example:


Pricefx Products that are used in the Pricefx Quote should exist in SAP C4C, and are matched by a customer defined field of the Pricefx Product.

The update will be skipped if the product does not exist in a particular quote.


Integration created using this template uses Events produced by the Pricefx partition. For this reason, you need to configure the event ITEM_APPROVED_Q to be created by the partition. See how to set up events in IM and in PlatformManager.

Connection between PlatformManager and SAP C4C

For details see .


Go to PlatformManager > Marketplace, find Export Quotes from Pricefx to SAP C4C, select Deploy and then select a target integration instance and template version.

Configuration Steps

  1. Choose the SAP C4C REST Basic connection to be used. 

  2. Configure Integration Template parameters:

    • Cron expression for triggering import - defines when this Integration Template should happen. Example value: "0+0+*+*+*+?+*".

    • Field of Pricefx Product which contains SAP C4C Product ID. This field will be used to match Products between Pricefx and SAP C4C.

    • Field of Pricefx Quote which contains SAP C4C Quote ID. This field will be used to match Quotes between Pricefx and SAP C4C.

    • Pricefx Quote Line Item output field name which will be mapped to SAP C4C Quote Line Item Quantity field.

    • Pricefx Quote Line Item output field name which will be mapped to SAP C4C Quote Line Item Unit Price field.

Troubleshooting Tips

If the export does not work, check the scheduler setup. The scheduler is triggered in defined intervals based on a cron expression.

Only records changed after the last export timestamp are exported. 

If you wish to export all the data again, you can delete the export timestamp record. The data will be exported and a new export timestamp record will be created in the next run.


PlatformManager version 1.75.0