Feature Flags (Administration)
In this section, you can see feature flags from selected partitions and you can also modify them – for multiple partitions in one go. In addition, you can see all the partitions where a particular feature flag is used. This allows you to easily control how the feature flags are used in Unity, without having to log into every single partition.
For details on feature flags, see the Unity documentation.
To able able to view this section, you need the global permission Feature Flags - Read/Edit.
First, you need to specify one or more partitions.
Click Add Partition.
Select Account and Partition.
Specify Feature Flags Set Name. This field refers to the name of an Advanced Configuration option in Unity which stores the information which feature flags should be included.
Currently only one Advanced Configuration option name is supported: "crm_config".You can view available feature flags and their values for all of the added partitions.
Available options:
View feature flags settings.
Modify feature flags – even for multiple partitions.
View all partitions using a particular flag (using the row menu).
You can also manage feature flags on the account level.
PlatformManager version 1.75.0