How to Upgrade IM Using Update Assistant

How to Upgrade IM Using Update Assistant

Aim of this article

Shows how to use Update Assistant whose purpose is to make the process of IM update smoother and quicker.

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IM Update Assistant is currently available only to selected users as a pilot version.

Update Assistant first clones the instance (and the corresponding Git branch) into a new staging environment. All tests, analysis and changes performed by the assistant are done in the staging environment. Only in the last step of the process, when the update is approved, the changes are applied to the environment you intend to update.

See an article on this topic (covering also the Git details) in the IntegrationManager documentation.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Update Check – Here you select to which IM version you want to update and the system will perform a comparison of your current version and the target one. As a result, you will get a list of potentially breaking changes. When you expand a particular change, you can read the details and also learn how to fix it.
    To continue, there are two buttons: one leading the next step Code Analysis, the other called Direct Update which will skip the next steps and perform the update directly (i.e. go to Step 5). Direct Update is meant for experienced Integration Engineers only who are sure that the breaking changes do not affect their instance or they want to solve the conflicts manually in Git.
    There is the IN_CONFLICT state in the Update Assistant, which is returned when the analysis conflicts with Git changes. The “Current Update is in Conflict” message is displayed. Click Start new update to restart the Update Assistant.

    Example of two potentially breaking changes, with their details displayed


  2. Code Analysis – In this step the Update Assistant goes through the code of your current IM instance and looks for places which can be affected by the breaking changes listed in the previous step.
    This does not include thorough validation of custom code.
    As a result, you will get a list of places in the code which need to be modified. There are two options to proceed:

    1. Experienced users can use the View in Git link which allows them to make the change directly in Git. When finished, you can click here the Re-Analyze button to get a confirmation that the changes were successfully committed and no more changes are needed.

    2. Generally, it is recommended to let PlatformManager handle the modification. That means you click the Code Modification button.

      Example of Code Analysis result – a connection needs to use a different package


  3. Code Modification – In this step PlatformManager performs the changes detected in the previous step. If successful, you can continue to the next step by clicking the Test Update button.


  4. Test Update – In this step, the update is tested with some basic tests. As a result, you will get a test report which you can also download.
    If tests were successful, you can proceed with the update.
    If there were errors found, it is recommended that you stop the update procedure and report the issues to Support.
    If you fix the issues manually in Git, you have the option to re-run the tests by clicking Re-Test Update.
    Once everything is OK, you can start the update by clicking Start Update.


  5. Update – In this step, the actual update is performed. (Until now, all changes were done in a separate branch in Git and now they are merged with your IM instance.) When it is successfully completed, you get a confirmation.

PlatformManager version 1.80.0