

This section consists of:

This section is visible only with the Integration Instance - Edit permission.


Shows the instance name, type (DEV, QA, PROD,...), instance server and partition name.

You can also define/modify Expiration Date. After this date, the IM will be deleted. One week before the instance is deleted, you will be notified by email and if needed, you can change the date here.

Runtime Properties

Shows the IM instance properties. You can also create and deploy your own property here. For provisioned IM instances, these properties can also be added directly in Git.

 It is strongly recommended not to store the properties values in plain text. For provisioned IM instances you can use the Encrypted button to encrypt the value. 

Application Properties

Shows application properties files for each environment in the selected cloud provider IM instance. You can view and edit the contents of the file – in the row menu there is the View/Edit option. 

In addition, you can encrypt the password – by using the context option in the application properties file window. The encryption is done one time for each password. For encrypted passwords the encrypt option is not shown.


Allows you to change the IM instance password, define instance management URL and user name. 


Allows you to set up monitoring for: 

  • IM instance – whether it is running or not.

  • Records processing (via ELK data) – whether it runs correctly.

In both cases, you can define one or more email addresses where to send notifications.


Allows you to select the IM version to upgrade to. 

To make the process of IM update smoother and quicker, you can use Update Assistant to guide you through the process.
It is currently available only to selected users as a pilot version. For details see How to Upgrade IM using Update Assistant.

Administrators can restrict what versions are available in this drop-down menu (in Administration > IntegrationManager Versions). 


Allows you to add your own tags which can be used in ELK searches or in monitoring.

Tags are then visible in the Integration Overview. They are also in the log when the route is used: integration.tags.

This tab is available only for for provisioned IM instances.

Archive Settings

Allows you to create backups for your IM instance. You can define here into which folder the backup should be stored and the frequency of this action. You can also see when the last run was and when the next one is scheduled. 

Current limitation is 50 000 files per backup (due to performance reasons).

Archive Query

Allows you to retrieve archived files. To get relevant data from the archive you need to specify a query: 

  • To specify which files should be returned by the query, set the following:

    • File Name Query Mode – Select one of these options:

      • GLOB – Stands for the glob search syntax. 

      • REGEX – Stands for regular expression syntax.

    • File Name Pattern – Depending on the selected mode, enter either a glob search phrase or a regular expression. 

  • To further reduce the list of returned files, specify what content the files must contain:

    • Content Query Mode – Select one of these options:

      • EXACT – Stands for exact match.

      • REGEX – Stands for regular expression syntax.

    • Content Query – Depending on the selected mode, enter either an phrase to look for or a regular expression. 

  • Date Interval – Specifies time range to limit the results. 

When finished with the query setup, click Search. When the search is completed, you are shown a list of files matching the criteria. Based on the results and their size, you can decide whether to adjust the query or proceed to downloading the data. 

Too simple queries can lead to downloading large amounts of data which negatively impacts further performance of this section.

Refine your query in advance, so that you download only relevant data. 

There is a limit on the number of returned files (1000) and size of the ZIP file to download (500MB); if you exceed it, you are notified by a popup message.

Sample Queries

Search for all CSV and TXT files containing the number 1 from within a specified time range.

Search for all CSV and TXT files containing "99" in their content (using a regular expression). 

Search for all CSV and TXT files in the "outbound" folder.

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PlatformManager version 1.80.0