Price Setting Package 1.7.1


PFPCS-3282 Incorrect information about Skipped Competitors returns when using Competitor Position mode
PFPCS-3248 Unexpected Errors happen when Last Period Transaction is not configured properly
PFPCS-3247 Unexpected Error happens when Transaction Source is PX and name of Source Table is missing
PFPCS-3246 Exception Manager returns an error when Source Table of Price Exception/Strategy Exception is missing/incorrect
PFPCS-3219 Competition Engine: Repositioning is not working when competitor is skipped
PFPCS-3218 Stock can't display value 0
PFPCS-3217 Unexpected Error happens when Source Field of Actual Price in PP PriceSettingConfig is empty/incorrect
PFPCS-3182 Fix warnings for Vesper release
PFPCS-3176 Not showing Message Type for [Competition] (Independent Type Strategy) in Dependent LPG
PFPCS-3174 CalculatedPrices in Dependent LPG return an error if only recalculating Dependent LPG after removing strategy in PP StrategySelection
PFPCS-3171 Fix Reason that is displaying in Prices matrix when Cost/BasePrice is null
PFPCS-3162 3 static lines in the Price Insights Dashboard shows wrong data
PFPCS-3143 Fix value format in Margin Breakeven Volume and Revenue Breakeven Volume columns