Price Setting Package 1.7.0

See also .

Change Requests

  • [PFPCS-2642] - Results of Strategy Engines and handling of them

  • [PFPCS-2949] - Adjust return of Competition Engine

    • Upgrade notes:

      • Strategy definition needs to be updated. Now Competition engine should be supplied with below parameter names:




  • [PFPCS-1564] - Missing dropdown in PPStrategySelection

  • [PFPCS-2829] - Remove invalid character from fields

  • [PFPCS-2837] - Fix Stock format to display 2 decimals

  • [PFPCS-2913] - Incorrect type in definedPP

  • [PFPCS-2921] - PP RelevantCompetitionData - Incorrect dropdown values in Relevant Competitors field

  • [PFPCS-2929] - LPG still can be saved when InputConfiguratior is not filled on Unity

  • [PFPCS-2963] - Strategy Engine can't return Message and Message Type when there is no Price

  • [PFPCS-3004] - CostPlus parameter is handled incorrectly if AdjustmentEngine expects absolute value

    • Upgrade notes:

      • Adjustment engine now has 3 parameters: “Base price”, “percentage increase” and “absolute increase”.

        • PRICE_INCREASE engine parameter has been split into PRICE_INCREASE_PERCENTAGEand PRICE_INCREASE_ABSOLUTE

          • Suggested configuration change is to swap “PRICE_INCREASE” String with “PRICE_INCREASE_PERCENTAGE,PRICE_INCREASE_ABSOLUTE” String


          • Suggested changes for strategyDefinition are:

            • Suggested configuration change is to swap “PLUS_FOR_PRODUCT_PERCENTAGE” String with “PLUS_FOR_PRODUCT_PERCENTAGE,PLUS_FOR_PRODUCT_ABSOLUTE” String

        • New parameter available for StrategyDefinition: “NULL_VALUE”. Nullable parameters which always will be null might be replaced with that one (it ensures that no extra data is put in always empty column).

        • PriceIncrease and CostPlus PriceParameter now has 2 columns in data instead of one.

          • attribute1 → percentage increase

          • attribute2 → absolute increase

          • Only one of them will be utilized for given engine

      • Data in below PriceParameter has been multiplied by 100 by formatting change. It needs to be manually recovered to proper state:

        • MinMargin

        • Discount

        • AdditionalDiscount

        • DependentLevelAdjustment

        • CostPlus (attribute1)

        • PriceIncrease (attribute1)

  • [PFPCS-3008] - vLookupHierachic wildcard fallback doesn't work when only one key is used.

  • [PFPCS-3032] - Execution of DependentPriceListLogic[Library] timed out

  • [PFPCS-3090] - Fix error after restructuring and renaming

  • [PFPCS-3093] - Can't get value defined for Min Margin and unexpected Error displays in RawMinimumMargin

  • [PFPCS-3095] - Result of Competition strategies are replaced by error after recalculting item inside LPG

  • [PFPCS-3099] - AdjusmentEngine still returns price when %/Absolute is missed

  • [PFPCS-3101] - AdjustmentEngine - Change the name of Absolute column

  • [PFPCS-3103] - Cost has issues when Condition is set up separately for independent and dependent price lists

  • [PFPCS-3123] - Cost Configuration Wizard - should have ability to delete configuration

  • [PFPCS-3125] - Add dropdown to column Value in CostPlusAdditionalConfig and PriceIncreaseAdditionalConfig

  • [PFPCS-3129] - Missing Warning message REQUIRED_INPUTS_MISSING

  • [PFPCS-3141] - Unexpected error INVALID_FINAL_PRICE displays after recalculating sku in Matrix LPG

  • [PFPCS-3156] - Warnings about PriceSelector and ManualPrice not found in elements

  • [PFPCS-3160] - Incorrect results return when calculating Breakeven volume

  • [PFPCS-3161] - Fix format of Competitor Price in Reason - Prices matrix

  • [PFPCS-3173] - Can't show [StrategyName] (Independent Type Strategy) in the last position in Dependent LPG

  • [PFPCS-3178] - MinCompetition returns null with incorrect message when its price equals 0 and it is greater than Minimum Margin Price


  • [PFPCS-2707] - Update Independent Priority Usage

  • [PFPCS-2736] - Isolate shared variables between priceManager instance and priceManagerImp

  • [PFPCS-3084] - Turn off Advanced Cost Config module by default in standard config

  • [PFPCS-3085] - Setup default Product Competition Dependency Mapping


  • [PFPCS-2730] - Breakeven quantity in Pricelist

    • Upgrade notes:

      • New entries in Warning config




  • [PFPCS-2938] - libs function should not rely on data from calculation context.


  • [PFPCS-1092] - Cost+ price calculation

  • [PFPCS-1215] - Adjust result price by wrapping existing engine into new custom engine

  • [PFPCS-1227] - Split documentation into proper pages


  • [PFPCS-1041] - Translations in Calculation dispatcher when calling Strategy Engines for Build-In Strategies

  • [PFPCS-1042] - Review accessibility of our Library Functions

  • [PFPCS-1658] - Include dropdown value selectors if possible in bootstrapped PPs

  • [PFPCS-2815] - Setup sources for dropdown values in bootstrapped PPs

  • [PFPCS-2907] - PoC: Config Wizard for Cost-Lookup