Price Setting Package 2.2.0

This document summarizes fixes introduced in the Accelerate Price Setting Package release version.



Release Date

Sep 19, 2023

Manual Changes

Before upgrading to the new version:

  • Go to Price Parameters StrategySelection, select <Dependency>StrategySelection and reset ColumnName and Type for the column “Prioritize Independent Level Price” (attribute6).


After finishing the upgrade:

  • Go to Price Parameters StrategySelection, select <Dependency>StrategySelection, and move data in attribute6 to attribute29 (which is now the column “Prioritize Independent Level Price”).

  • Go to Price Parameters PriceSettingConfig and add two more rows as shown below:


  • Go to Price Parameters PriceSettingModule and add one more row as shown below:



  • Go to Price Parameters DependencyMappingConfig and add one more row as shown below:


  • Go to Price Parameters PriceSettingDimensions and add the “Custom” value into the list of values for the “Dimension” column.


  • Go to Price Parameters StrategyConditions, add two more columns:

    • At attribute4:

      • Name: RuleExplanation

      • Label: Rule Explanation

      • Type: String

    • At attribute5:

      • Name: DependencyLevel

      • Label: Dependency Level

      • Type: String

  • Go to Price Parameters StrategyDefinition and add one more column at attribute7:

    • Name: mandatoryStrategy

    • Label: Mandatory Strategy

    • Type: String

    • List of Values: Yes, No

New Features and Improvements

New Feature Description


New Feature Description


Hierarchical lookup keys can now use custom values (so lookups are no longer restricted just to product dimensions).


There is a new strategy configuration "Stop After First Price Found" which allows you to stop further price calculations if a desired price is found. This helps you improve performance.


Stock has been separated from the Transaction module. It is now a standalone module (which still depends on the Transaction module).


In PriceSettingConfig PP it is possible to enable the debug mode which allows users to troubleshoot issues in other modules.


It is possible to define dependencies between modules


It is possible to use additional engine configuration in custom engines the same way as in the out-of-the-box engines. This way Configuration Engineers can pass more parameters to their custom engines via PP.


In Strategy Selection PP it is possible to use up to 15 Price Strategies (instead of only 5). 


In StrategyConditions PP, there is a field Rule Explanation showing a reason when a Strategy Condition was applied.


Dependency mapping and product segmentation have been added to Strategy Conditions.


Dependency configuration has been added to the Price Setting Configuration Wizard, so that it is easier to add/delete dependency levels.


Fixed Issues

Bug Description


Bug Description


Some Price Parameters (such as PricingExceptions, StockData, StrategyConditions) are not in their dedicated PriceListManagement folder.


Hierarchical Lookup does not work when one of the values in the master data is null. 


There are factual or wording issues in API documentation.
