

  • Ember framework (QC) = different approach in testing than in React (MB, PB, PA)

Test case

//quotes //1) Open Quote with label "cypress" //2) add an item using the 'Browse' button //3) click on product detail, write 10 into quantity input and click on recalculat //4) Check that Total invoice price has been changed to 174.22 EUR



describe('React - Products', () => { before(() => { cy.login('demoPartition');//API login ("demoPartition" is the setting configured in file users.js) }); beforeEach(() => { // Configure 'X-PriceFx-Csrf-Token' and 'X-PriceFx-jwt' cookies to be preserved after each test. Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce('X-PriceFx-Csrf-Token', 'X-PriceFx-jwt'); // Restore the logged in status by restoring the local storage cy.restoreLocalStorage().then(() => { cy.waitForSpinner(); }); }); //quotes //1) Open Quote with label "cypress" //2) add an item using the 'Browse' button //3) click on product detail, write 10 into quantity input and click on recalculat //4) Check that Total invoice price has been changed to 174.22 EUR it('quote', () => { cy.visit('https://demo.pricefx.eu/app/#/quotes'); //cy.url().should('contain', '/#/qc/quotes'); //assert cy.waitForSpinner(); //Open Quote with label "cypress" const quoteLabel = 'cypress'; const browseProductId = 'MB-0003'; //open quote cy.get('div.dataTables_scrollHead input.pfx-quick-filter-label') .type(quoteLabel); cy.contains('div.dataTables_info', 'Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries'); cy.contains('a', quoteLabel).click({force: true}); //add an item MB-0003 using the 'Browse' button cy.contains('a', 'Items').click(); cy.waitForSpinner(); cy.contains('button', 'Browse').click(); cy.get('div.pfxui-modal_top input.pfx-quick-filter-sku').type( browseProductId ); cy.contains('div.pfxui-modal_top tbody tr', browseProductId).click(); cy.contains('div.pfxui-modal_top button', 'Select').click(); //click on product detail, write 10 into quantity input and click on recalculate cy.waitForSpinner(); cy.contains('td', 'Meatball Bl').click({force: true}); cy.waitForSpinner(); cy.get('[data-focus-id="Quote Quantity"]') .type('10'); cy.contains('button', 'Recalculate') .click({force: true}); //Check that Total invoice price has been changed to 174.22 EUR cy.waitForSpinner(); cy.contains('tr.slds-hint-parent', 'Total Invoice Price').should('contain', '174.22 EUR'); }); });

Download test LoginAPI-quotes here.

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