First Steps

First Steps

Here are basics about Cypress.io and test automation. Please use these pages when you are new in it, they should help you understand the tool we are using and how to use it on the project.

If you are new in test automation, please check this basic article: https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUST/pages/2374729902 and Myth#2 here: https://pricefx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUST/pages/1932329897 . Note that test automation can help you with some tests (especially regression tests and other often repeated tests), but it is always up to you to decide test cases you need to automatize. So, please, never expect test automation tool will do all work for you - you need to decide what to automatize, check results and update test cases and test automation scripts if needed.


LEARN MORE: Check out more information on Cypress here.


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