Test Plan Template

Test Plan Template

The article is a template for a test plan in the context of Quality Assurance, outlining the purpose of the document, key sections to include, and questions to ask stakeholders. It covers aspects like test approach, types of tests, test environments, test data, team roles, milestones, and risks.


You can find the document for download along with a wide array of use cases and templates that can be shared with the customer, here.

Key information

→ why test plan, how to fill in the document, what to ask

Test plan should be created between kick-off and beginning of feature sprint, it is expected that all important information will be found out and written to the test plan in this time period.

Purpose of test plan:

  • To clarify what will be done on the project from QA perspective

  • To be a basic document for all project links and documentation regarding QA

  • To specify basic test strategy for the project

  • To show to our customer and to our project team we know what we will test on the project

  • To guide you through basic questions you should ask to our customer and to our project team so we can lower risk we forget something important

Chapters of test plan and additional information to them:

  1. Purpose of this document..................................................................... 3

 just add name of the project, nothing more should be done here

2. Introduction........................................................................................ 3

Short summary of what is in the document. Just check the description is relevant to your project and fill in the name of the project.

3. Revision table of the document............................................................. 3

Info about updates of the document and reasons why the document was updated. Keep it short and simple.

4. Basic terminology................................................................................ 3

List of basic terminology to be sure we understand each other on the project. Just terminology used on the project should be here, otherwise the document will be too complex.

5. Test Approach..................................................................................... 4

5.1.     Links to project documentation......................................................................................... 4

To be sure we have everything we need on the project, if not, we have a potential risk on the project.

5.1.1.      User Stories................................................................................................................ 4

Where are user stories? Put a link to JIRA here to be clear what are the basic requirements. Are requirements from the customer clear?

Are acceptance criteria defined and understandable?

5.1.2.      Confluence................................................................................................................. 4

Link to project Confluence space should be here

5.1.3.      Sharepoint................................................................................................................. 4

Link to project Sharepoint should be here

5.2.     Scope of testing............................................................................................................ 4

This chapter describes what will be tested and what we will not be tested. It must be clear what is our responsibility and what is our customer responsibility. This is the first opportunity to discuss UAT testing with the customer. Ask questions like:

Have you any experience with UAT on the project?

Do you already know who will perform UAT tests?

How many hours will they have per day to do the testing?

How will you prepare your UAT test cases? 

5.2.1.      In scope..................................................................................................................... 4

Check unit tests with CE - will they be prepared on the project? We shouldn't promise what we are not able to deliver

Start questioning the customer about UAT testing and how experienced and ready he is for this project phase

if our customer is not experienced, an offer we are able to help him organize and prepare UAT from testing and process point of view can be discussed

5.2.2.      Out of scope............................................................................................................... 4

customer must be sure we are not testing anything outside Pricefx sw - so no CRM, ERP or whatever else - just to be clear and discuss expectations 

5.3.     Types of tests................................................................................................................ 4

5.3.1.      Unit tests................................................................................................................... 4

Done by CE in our team - check in advance CE will really do them, otherwise delete the chapter

5.3.2.      Functional tests.......................................................................................................... 5

tests according to user stories, test cases are documented and ready for discussion with the customer 

5.3.3.      Regression tests......................................................................................................... 5

based on tests for E2E tests (knowledge of business is required here) or based on discussion with CE, SA - what could go wrong after deployment of bugfix or new functionality?

If we know something is critical to our customer - this should be part of regression testing

For E2E tests of the solution - be ready to measure how much it will take - at least for complex logic which can take longer 

5.3.4.      Smoke tests............................................................................................................... 5

after deployment to the new partition - just a brief check that deployment was successful, set of tests can be chosen from regression tests, but the whole set of regression tests shoudn't be repeated here 

5.3.5.      User acceptance tests (UAT)....................................................................................... 5

It is important here to be clear that our customer is really ready for UAT and he already has some knowledge from the past. Ask questions like:

do you know how to report bugs?

is the process in JIRA clear?

where will be your test cases stored?

who will prepare your test cases?

to whom you will assign your bugs in JIRA?

how will you organize your tests during UAT?

which part of the solution is the most critical for you?

Do you know about other processes which will follow or precede pfx solution - where could we have potential performance problem?

5.4.     Test environment.......................................................................................................... 5

Purpose of this chapter is to be sure test partitions are created and we know how to log into them. All credentials must be ready for testing too.

Check whether all partitions are really created - for smaller projects can happen that only 2 partitions will be ready.

5.4.1.      DEV........................................................................................................................... 5

link to DEV partition with login credentials

5.4.2.      QA............................................................................................................................. 5

link to QA partition with login credentials

5.4.3.      PROD......................................................................................................................... 6

link to PROD partition with login credentials

5.5.     Test data....................................................................................................................... 6

This chapter should lead you to clarify test data with the customer - which data will be used for our functional and regression tests and which data will be used by our customer to UAT testing - is it clear and ready for testing?

At this moment it is still unclear how to describe test data in this chapter, it will be clarified during first projects with QA. Please focus on collecting the important information, we must be clear we know test data are ready, how to write it to the test plan is not so important now.

5.5.1.      For DEV...................................................................................................................... 6

5.5.2.      For QA....................................................................................................................... 6

5.5.3.      For UAT..................................................................................................................... 6

5.6.     Test deliverables........................................................................................................... 6

5.6.1.      Test plan.................................................................................................................... 6

5.6.2.      Test case.................................................................................................................... 6

5.6.3.      Test report................................................................................................................. 6

5.6.4.      Bug report................................................................................................................. 6

6. Team roles and expected cooperation........................……………………................…….......... 6

6.1.     Team........................................................................................................................... 7

key people on the project should be mentioned here. Somebody from the customer side should be here too

6.2.     Cooperation................................................................................................................ 7

do we have any requirements for cooperation?

7. Testing milestones.......................................…………………………........................................ 7

if we have any milestones regarding QA or testing, write them here. Examples:

start of UAT

agreed date of sw demonstration

agreed delivery to the customer

8. Risks………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….…………  7

Do we have any risks which are related to QA or testing? Usually they appear during asking questions and collecting information. Always share risks with PM!

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