Cypress Hello world
url setting: e2e-automation-repo\cypress.config.js
info is here:New Project Initialization
credentials setting: e2e-automation-repo\cypress\fixtures\testUsersUtils.js
info is here: New Project Initialization
be aware of concept of automation testing in Cypress and read official documentation
Hello world test for PriceFx application
open on your local PC in the cloned repo
path: e2e-automation-repo\cypress\e2e\final
use FElogin command like this: cy.FElogin('login')
this command is found in this file: e2e-automation-repo\cypress\support\commands.js
save and run your test
you should be logged in Price Fx application
now you can write your test.
command FElogin is needed to use in every test “it”, or you can add this FElogin command into beforeEach section and then it is not needed to use it in every “it”
Tips & tricks
for creating a test without commands, use primary elements with data-attributes in html code
Example task for you:
//go to Agreements & Promotions page
//click on button "New agreement & promotion"
for waiting use prepared command: cy.waitForSpinner()
command is located in e2e-automation-repo\cypress\support\commands.js file
command waits, till running circle disappears and page is loaded
for data manipulation use API commands
in the file: e2e-automation-repo\cypress\support\externalCommands_API.js
you can find prepared API commands with.
read comments in the code for better understanding
for common action use prepared FE commands
in the support folder, there are plenty of prepared commands for easier cypress implementation
before you will start to do some test, make a little research, if we haven’t had it already prepared as a command
Happy testing with Cypress.