In this category you will find Integration Templates. They are predefined pieces of code which allow you to efficiently set up an IntegrationManager to do specific actions with 3rd party systems.
Some of the most popular templates are Import CSV from FTP to Pricefx or Export Pricefx Table to CSV via FTP. The full list of the templates follows in the next section.
There is some setup required before starting your first template deployment, see How to Create IM and Deploy Integration Template as an introduction. To deploy a template, you only need to enter some basic properties, such as an account for logging in, filters, and mappings. Templates can be deployed only to provisioned IMs (not manual ones). Most templates can be deployed multiple times. Templates can also use various IM versions.
After deployment, the template is managed under its Provisioned Instance in Account Integrations.
See also:
Integration Templates Configuration (Pricefx employees only)
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PlatformManager version 1.80.0