CPQ Package 2.0.0

Release Highlights

The main purpose of the CPQ Package version 2.0 is to allow custom code from the library to be executed by CPQ logics.

New functionality:

  • You can run custom libraries on the quote header. The libraries can run both in pre-phase and post-phase.

  • There are task runners for data query, data processing, input, and output generator.

  • You can set the priority of tasks for each runner. In addition, some tasks can depend on the results of other tasks.

  • Existing logics are split into multiple modules and plugins as CPQ default configurations.

New Price Parameters introduced:

  • CPQ_Default_Configuration_Entry

  • CPQ_Default_Header_Configuration

  • CPQ_Default_Input_Output_Configuration

  • CPQ_Default_Error_Configuration

For more information, please see Version 2.0.

Upgrade notes:

  • In Pricefx → QuoteConfigurator → select Default quote type → change “cpq header” (label) to “CPQ Header Logic” (label) in the Header Logic column.

  • Inactive “cpq header” logic in Header Logics.

CPQ Configuration Wizard

The CPQ Configuration Wizard has been introduced. It allows you to configure all CPQ configurations easier by providing a user-friendly interface for the setup (instead of manual changes in Price Parameters).

For more information, please see CPQ Configuration Wizard.

Get Price List From Matrix Type

Allows you to get product price from the Matrix type in the PriceList module.

Change Attribute Size of Product Prices Lookup from PX

In the previous version 1.2.2, it was required that you changed the attribute size when adding the currency column. It may have lead to losing your data after each deployment because the original attribute size (3) was to be deployed again.

From version 2.0, the attribute size of Price By Customer, Price By Country, Price By Region, Price By Segment PX is changed from 3 to 6.

Note: Please back up your data first before deployment.

New Features and Fixed Issues


PFPCS-2982 CPQ v2.0

PFPCS-3625 Simplify the "Task Runner" approach in CPQ Header Logic

PFPCS-3624 Remove LineItem Logic in CPQ 2.0

PFPCS-3936 Create wizard for CPQ 2.0

PFPCS-3541 Ability to overwrite output config at code level

PFPCS-3540 Ability for adding alert in lineItem at code level

PFPCS-2438 Enhance add null value in OPTION and OPTIONS in CPQ input config

PFPCS-2376 Enhance Using userName/Label instead of technical name

PFPCS-1187 Enhance: Move Explanation widget content in to PP


PFPCS-3477 Enhance performance in CPQ_v2

PFPCS-3475 Add label for new CPQ PP tables

PFPCS-3389 Set default value in CPQ_Default_Configuration_Entry PP

PFPCS-3361 Should move other configs per quote type into CPQ_Default_Configuration_Entry

PFPCS-3328 Remove logic not used

PFPCS-2914 CPQConfig wizard - Should not display if user does not configure some fields in wizard

PFPCS-2705 Support to get price from PL if using matrix logic

PFPCS-2571 Display in Quote which PL ID is used to get value from

  • Upgrade note:

    • The List Price Source element is added in Pricing Details. It helps you to know which PL-ID or product extensions PX is used to get value from and display in Quote. You can turn it on or off in CPQ_Default_Input_Output_Configuration PP.

PFPCS-2545 Change NaN in Sales Overview to empty value

PFPCS-2538 Add Historical Period in Customer History group on Header level

PFPCS-2348 Enhance warning message when not found value in ValueOptionFilter or non-existing source field in CPQInputConfiguration PP

PFPCS-2346 Add quote type in CPQ Inputs Wizard


PFPCS-3875 Add documentation link to CPQ package description

PFPCS-3599 Set folder for CPQ_Default_Error_Configuration & Change label

PFPCS-3559 Add data to Error PP

PFPCS-3346 CPQ Naming and Convention

PFPCS-3345 Apply Error handler to existing CPQ version

PFPCS-3344 CPQ Logics naming & refactoring

PFPCS-3343 CPQ Default tables

PFPCS-3051 Change attribute size of PX Price By Customer, Country, Region, Segment


PFPCS-4056 Wizard lib can't read quote type config based on CPQ2.0

PFPCS-4051 Quote - undefined displayed in publishing templates

PFPCS-4050 Remove obsolete CPQOutputConfiguration PP

PFPCS-4035 Recheck default data in CPQConfiguration PP

  • Upgrade note:

    • Removed pxCostTable and pxCompetitorTable in CPQConfiguration PP after deployment from PlatformManager.

    • Price Competitor PX is not supported for deployment from PlatformManager by CPQ script. We support only Pricefx Competitor Data upload. In case you want to have Price Competitors PX, you need to create this PX manually after deployment.

PFPCS-3995 Quote - Rebate output value does not display correctly

PFPCS-3976 Target Date is not applied for Product Costs PX

  • Upgrade note:

    • Target Date (Valid From) is applied for Product Costs now. You need to configure which Target Date field is used in CPQ Configuration Wizard.

    • CPQ supports Valid From only.

PFPCS-3962 Quote - Error timed out if adding more than 4 items

PFPCS-3950 Can't open Sales Overview when creating new quote

PFPCS-3918 Quote - Inconsistent in displaying empty or 0 for output results

  • Upgrade note:

    • All output values are displayed as 0.00 if value is null/ empty/ 0.

PFPCS-3587 List Price is still displayed when inputting value in Price input (line item)

PFPCS-3539 Input not generated when 2 quote calculated at the same time by 1 user

PFPCS-3501 ProductConfigurator is not working properly when adding new product

PFPCS-3466 Folder show 0 value in Quote

PFPCS-3443 List Price is still displayed in quote if Price input = 0

PFPCS-3442 Price Guidance should be displayed null if no data

PFPCS-3406 Values on Header are displaying 0 in Quote

PFPCS-2977 CPQ Inputs Config_N/A is not displayed correctly if Input Type is OPTIONS

PFPCS-2809 Displays 100% in Sales Overview in case we don't have Cost and Margin

PFPCS-2409 No data available in Product filter when Input Type is Options

PFPCS-2403 CPQ Input Config - Can't work if Input Type is OPTIONS and filter operator is OP_NOT_EQUAL

PFPCS-2345 Product Configurator - Must recalculate 2 times to get correct Invoice Price