Custom Header Logic

This Price Parameter table defines custom logics that can be run on the header level.

Default Price Parameter table: CPQ_Default_Header_Configuration

In this section:


You can set the following options:

  • Name – Name of your element. This can be used to access returned data from another element.

  • Processor – Defines an element in the CPQ header to run your element. There are 2 processors available: Data Query and Data Processing.

  • Running Phase – Select here the phase in the header to run your element. Can be pre-phase, post-phase or both.

  • Library Name – Name of the library which contains the calculation for your element.

  • Element – Element from the library which contains the calculation for your element.

  • Function – Function name from the library element which contains the calculation for your element.

  • Skip – Skips executing your element. Can be Yes/No.

  • Priority – Defines priority of running within the processor.

  • Data Shared to Post-phase – Defines if your element result can be accessed from the post-phase. This can be shared only when your running phase is pre-phase. Data is shared between phases using the shared cache.

Custom Logic

Your logics should be defined in the Pricefx Groovy library. 

You need to provide the “library name”, “element name”, and “function name” of your library.

Your function will run in the quote header context.

There are predefined objects that you can use in your function:

  • elements – Map of processed elements value.

  • quoteProcessor – Pricefx predefined object, this is auto-binding to your function.

Your function should not take any arguments and should return the value if you need to access the result from other elements.