Maintaining N-1 Compliance

Overview of the Pricefx recommendations concerning maintaining your N-1 compliance. The Pricefx N-1 policy will require that customers plan for:

  • 2 major upgrades during a 12-month period

  • A minimum of 4 minor upgrades during 12-month period

  • Verification of major upgrades in their QA environment

Managing Upgrades

While planning release upgrades in Private Environment, it is important to plan with the following Pricefx constraint in mind as there are some limits on DevOps team for performing these upgrades.

LEARN MORE: To learn more about our latest releases, click here.

LEARN MORE: To view our Release Calendar, click here.

In regards to maintaining your N-1 Compliance, please be familiarized with these limitations:

Upgrade Type

Business Days


Upgrade Type

Business Days


Major QA upgrades

15-20 hours per week


Major PROD upgrades

15-20 hours per week

Maximum of 3

Minor upgrades

As needed

Automatic for Private ONLY

Upgrading to Paper Plane

While planning your migration to Paper Plane (as of May 23, 2023), please acknowledge the following information:

Upgrade Type

Business Days


Upgrade Type

Business Days


Major QA upgrades

We start to roll out automatic upgrades of QA clusters on Godfather and below


Major PROD upgrades

Major upgrade capacity (including QA) at 15 to 20 hours a week

Maximum of 3

Minor upgrades

Bee’s Knees only. Minor upgrades on Hurricane and below are suspended so there will be a major upgrade needed to get the product up to date

Minor Bee’s Knees and Hurricane Automatic (= AWS) upgrades only.

(Godfather and Bijou minor upgrades are suspended)

Pricefx will perform automatic upgrades on Fridays to allow the customer to spend the weekend assessing business impact and mitigate any issues. Pricefx will not do automatic upgrades during summertime due to the limitation of available resources (e.g. CE’s for emergency re-work).

Paper Plane Launch-Grace Period

After the launch of Paper Plane, please acknowledge the following:

Upgrade Type

Business Days


Upgrade Type

Business Days


Major QA upgrades

We start to roll out automatic upgrades of QA clusters on Hurricane as soon as possible before summer


Major PROD upgrades

Pricefx will plan automatic upgrades to Bee’s Knees every Friday starting mid-August

Maximum of 3

Minor upgrades

Bee’s Knees and Paper Plane only


Bee’s Knees and Paper Plane only

Automatic (= AWS) upgrades only