Pricefx N-1 Version Policy

Pricefx N-1 Version Policy

Our product constantly evolves as improvements and advancements in our core product are applied to support our customers and the industry’s needs. We are constantly listening to our clients to fully understand their pricing environment, learn about their issues, and identify the opportunities they provide for further innovation.

We are continually upgrading and improving our solution to allow our customers to solve their real-time pricing issues. We continually urge our clients to keep their implementation up-to-date to allow them to take advantage of our latest innovations. Our guideline is that customers should be at the current release or at most one release behind (i.e. N-1).

LEARN MORE: To learn more about our latest releases, click here.

LEARN MORE: To view our Release Calendar, click here.

Defining N-1 Policy

This policy means that Pricefx will officially provide support ONLY for the last 2 major releases.  In June 2023, Pricefx will begin to diligently enforce our N-1 release policy. 

This release policy is already part of Pricefx standard Terms & Conditions, and as of Paper Plane 11 release (planned for June 2023) the policy will be enforced technically. Any customer using an older release (Hurricane 9 or older) will be scheduled for upgrade to the latest release Bee's Knees (v10.x)

LEARN MORE: To learn more about our latest release Rampur, click here.

Impact of N-1 Policy

The customers who will be impacted are the ones where their solution is hosted in a Private environment and who do not upgrade their Pricefx versions regularly. Customers hosted in a Shared environment (i.e. https://app.pricefx.eu or https://app.pricefx.com) are NOT impacted, since they are upgraded regularly and automatically to the latest release, once it is made available.


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