Custom Logo

Custom Logo

In this section you are going to learn how to customize your logo in Pricefx and how this can benefit your customers.

Custom logo and header color are available only if you are using all modules in React version (except of advancedFilter). You can check this configuration under Administration > Feature Flags.


Having a custom logo for your business or brand has several advantages. A custom logo can help your brand stand out and be easily recognizable, which can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty. It can also convey the unique identity and values of your brand, setting it apart from competitors. Additionally, a custom logo can contribute to a professional and polished image for your business.

With the Clover Club 12.0 release, you have now the possibility to incorporate your custom logo into the Pricefx application thus personalizing the software to your own corporate identity.

It's important to carefully consider the limitations regarding the quality of the visual you will use. For more information, keep reading.


Remember that we recommend you use a PNG file featuring a single color for your logo. There is a maximum upload size and the system will display this for you.




How To

All our how-to guides and video tutorials contain screenshot of our demo system and the information that you see will differ depending on your organizational configuration and the version of Pricefx software that you are running.

Add Your Logo

To change the default logo in Pricefx, go to Administration. Click on the wrench icon in the top right corner, then scroll down to Configuration in the dropdown menu. This will take you to the System Configuration.


On the left hand side, click on Appearance.



Now simply click on Upload. Select your preferred logo and click open.

You can add an image URL, if you wish to. For the Custom logo URL you have to enter the whole page path including http:// or https:// to ensure correct functionality.

Change Color Scheme

To change the navigation color move on to Navigation Appearance and select a color for the top navigation. Currently you have an array of eight colors you can choose from.

Once you are happy with your choices simply click Save Changes in the top right corner and the system will display the new look.



Revert Changes

To revert to the initial appearance or make new changes, simply follow the same path:

Administration → Configuration → Appearance

Delete your logo and change the color for top navigation. Click Save Changes.

And this is how you add your custom logo in Pricefx.

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